
时间:2023-08-10 18:20:01 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




Nanjing the Beloved City


Nanjing has witnessed the continuous emergence of many distinguished talents and noblehearts as well as monumental achievements that shone through the ages. Attracted by herspecial appeal, a great number of powerful figures and people actuated by high ideals havestayed in or frequented this metropolis to contend for the lead or to give play to their geniusand virtues. Military commanders such as Sun Quan and Xie An; political leaders such as HongXiuquan and Dr. Sun Yat-sen; scientists like Zu Chongzhi, Ge Hong, Li Shizhen and Zhenghe;men of letters such as Liu Xie, Xiao Tong, Cao Xueqin and Wu Jingzi; artists like Wang Xizhi, GuKaizhi, Xu Beihong and Fu Baoshi; educators such as Tao Xingzhi; and architects like YangTingbao—all these renowned historical figures used to settle on this blessed land to have theirsplendid dreams fulfilled. The towering Purple Mountains and billowing Yangtze River nurturedthem and provided them with arenas in which to realize their aspirations. By virtue of theirgenius, vision, and sagacity, these best and brightest sons and daughters of the nation madespectacular contributions to the resplendent Chinese civilization.


The tremendous changes that have taken place in Nanjing since New China was founded areeven more inspiring, just as the much quoted couplet from a poem written by the lateChairman Mao Zedong on the occasion of the liberation of the city on April 23, 1949 has it:

The city, a tiger crouching, a dragon curling, outshines its ancient glories;

In heroic triumph heaven and earth have been overturned.

Balmy spring winds returned to bring new life to this historic city, of which the common peoplecame to be the genuine masters. The night marish sufferings and humiliations of the past wereleft behind once and for all. The citizens of Nanjing have been working hard to give this age-oldtown a new appearance. Especially for the past ten years or more, the country’s reform andopening-up policy has infused new vigor into this beautiful and famous city. Newly builtindustries, an efficient transportation network extending in all directions, picturesque urbanconstruction, a booming tertiary industry, a varied and colorful cultural life, all these and moreadded charm and vitality to this modern metropolis, which retains somehow the ambiance andfeatures of an ancient capital. The prophecy of Dr. Sun Yat-sen father of modern China that“Nanjing will have a future that knows no bounds” is becoming true.


Nanjing, an old city with a rich and celebrated past, yet vigorous in her new youth-how lovelyshe is!



-From A Mother in Mannville




The Orphanage is high in the Carolina mountains. Sometimes in winter the snowdrifts are sodeep that the institution is cut off from the village below,from all the world. Fog hides themountain peaks, the snow swirls down the valleys, and a wind blows so bitterly that theorphanage boys who take the milk twice daily to the baby cottage reach the door with fingersstiff in anagony of numbness.


I was there in the autumn. I wanted quiet, isolation, to do some troublesome writing. I wantedmountain air to blow out the malaria from too long a time in the subtropics. I was homesick,too, for the flaming of maples in October,and for corn shocks and pumpkins and black-walnuttrees and the lift of hills. I found them all, living in a cabin that belonged to the orphanage, halfa mile beyond the orphanage farm. When I took the cabin, I asked for a boyor man to comeand chop wood for the fireplace. The first few days were warm, I found what wood I neededabout the cabin, no one came, and Iforgot the order.


I looked up from my typewriter one late afternoon, a little startled. A boystood at the door,and my pointer dog, my companion, was at his side and had not barked to warn me. The boywas probably twelve years old, but undersized. He wore overalls and a torn shirt, and wasbarefooted.


He said, "I can chop some wood today."


I said, "But I have a boy coming from the orphanage."


"I"m the boy."


"You? But you"re small."


"Size don"t matter, chopping wood," he said. "Some of the big boys don"t chop good. I"ve beenchopping wood at the orphanage a long time."


I visualized mangled and inadequate branches for my fires. I was well into my work and notinclined to conversation. I was a little blunt."Very well. There"s the ax. Go ahead and see whatyou can do."


I went back to work,closing the door. At first the sound of the boy dragging brush annoyedme. Then he began to chop. The blows were rhythmic and steady, and shortly I had forgottenhim, the sound no more of an interruption than a consistent rain. I suppose an hour and ahalf passed, for when I stopped and stretched, and heard the boy"s steps on the cabin stoop,the sun was dropping behind the farthest mountain, and the valleys were purplewith somethingdeeper than the asters.


The boy said, "I have to go to supper now. I can come again tomorrow evening."


I said, "I"ll pay you now for what you"ve done," thinking I should probably have to insist on anolder boy. "Ten cents an hour"?"


"Anything is all right."


We went together back of the cabin. An astonishing amount of solid wood had been cut. Therewere cherry logs and heavy roots of rhododendron, and blocks from the waste pine and oakleft from the building of the cabin.


"But you"ve done as much as a man," I said. "This is a splendid pile."


I looked at him, actually, for the first time. His hair was the color of the corn shocks, and hiseyes, very direct, were like the mountain sky when rain is pending-gray, with a shadowing ofthat miraculous blue. As I spoke a light came over him, as though the setting sun hadtouched him with the same suffused glory with which it touched the mountains. I gave him aquarter.


"You may come tomorrow," I said, "and thank you very much."He looked at me, and at the coin,and seemed to want to speak, but could not, and turned away.


"I"ll split kindling tomorrow," he said over his thin ragged shoulder. "You"llneed kindling andmedium wood and logs and backlogs."


At daylight I was half wakened by the sound of chopping. Again it was so even in texture that Iwent back to sleep. When I left my bed in the cool morning, the boy had come and gone, and astack of kindling was neat against the cabin wall. He came again after school in the afternoonand worked until time to return to the orphanage. His name was Jerry; he was twelve years old,and he had been at the orphanage since he was four. I could picture him at four, with the samegrave gray-blue eyes and the same-independence? No, the word that comes to me is"integrity."


The word means something very special to me, and the quality for which I use it is a rare one.My father had it-there is another of whom I am almost sure-but almost no man of myacquaintance possesses it with the clarity,the purity, the simplicity of a mountain stream.But the boy Jerry had it. It is bedded-on courage, but it is more than brave. It is honest, but itis more than honesty. The ax handle broke one day. Jerry said the woodshop at theorphanage would repair it. I brought money to pay for the job and he refused it.


"I"ll pay for it," he said. "I broke it. I brought the ax down careless."


"But no one hits accurately every time," I told him. "The fault was in the wood of the handle.I"ll see the man from whom I bought it.


"It was only then that he would take the money. He was standing back of his own carelessness. He was a free-will agent and he chose to do careful work, and if he failed, he took theresponsibility without subterfuge.




Could anything be more majestic, serene or threatening than the largest bird of prey in theworld, the harpy eagle, soaring above its domain? Weighing nine kilograms and with a 2.2-metre wingspan, this giant of the 。sky glides at 65 kilometres per hour over dense Brazilianrainforest. Its cruel head with flaring coloured crest and huge hooked beak twists constantlyfrom side to side.


It spots a monkey in a treetop 2.5 kilometres away and zeroes in on its prey. The monkeymunches on, oblirious to the threat. Then the eagle strikes,plucking its prey from its perchwith talons bome on legs the thickness of your wrists. The monkey dies instantly, pierced bythe talons. The eagle carries the body back to its treetop lair. The famed and feared harpyeagle has killed again.


Whether this frightening creature does indeed soar like other eagles in search of prey is opento conjecture 。 Forless is known about the harpy than any other eagle-the remoteness of itshabitat sees to that. But it has been seen carrying monkeys, sloth and even small deer back toits nest.


This eagle"s extraordinary eyesight is one of its greatest assets. Like many other eagles, it cansee between four and eight times as much detail as canhumans. The result is an ability to seeclearly a smaU monkey at a distance of up to 2.5 kilometres and to judge distances withpinpoint accuracy 。 The latter is an obvious requirement if prey is to be snatched at speed.


It"s hard to believe that a creature so well equipped to survive could- ever find itself underthreat. But with huge tracts of rainforest being felled in Centraland South America, the harpy"sfood sources are harder to find.


The threat posed could soon be similar to that facing the harpy"s near relative, the Philippinesmonkey-eating eagle. This acutely threatened bird was reduced in numbers to fewer than 100in the wild by the loss of its forest habitat and by the heavy demands of trophy hunters in thePhilippines.


Like its Filipino cousm, the harpy eagle nests in the tops of the largest forest trees. It thereforeneeds an intact forest to breed. The seemingly invinable harpy is vulnerable for anotherreason. A mating pair is thought to produce only one eaglet every two years. Harpy eggs takeup to 60 days to hatch and chicks take a further 60 days before they learn to fly. What ismore, the youngster is fed by the parents for many months after it has learned to fly. Annualbreeding then is impossible.


Folklore has long held that the harpy eagle preys on human babies as well as forest animals. Tothe ancient Mayans of CentralAmerica the bird was Moan,a bird of ill omen and death. The harpyfrom which the eagle derives its name was a mythical wreaker of vengeance. Yet there is noevidence, according to British naturalist Leslie Brown, that children have ever been taken bythe harpy.

民间传说里,一直认为热带大雕既捕食森林动物,也捕食婴儿。对中美洲的古代玛雅人来说,热带大雕就是Moan,一种带来不祥和死亡的鸟。鹰的名字来自哈比( Harpy),神话中的一个复仇者。然而,按照英国博物学家莱斯利·布朗的说法,还没有证据表明大雕曾经掠走过小孩。

But the Anglia Television Company fflm crew from England that compiled a televisiondocumentary titled Fury of the Forest can vouch for the harpy"s ferociousness when its nest isthreatened. One camera team was attacked when filming a pair of harpys mating and nesting.


The harpy eagle does not face the same immediate threat as its Filipino cousin. But if thedestruction of its forest habitat continues at its present rate, the largest of avian predators,too, could join those birds already on the endangered species list. Leslie Brown wrote in 1976that nearly half of the 59 species of eagle were under threat. Those who appreciate naturewill be hoping that the harpy can surmount this threat, to soar on over the forests of SouthAmerica.

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