
时间:2023-06-29 09:25:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




2023 年,是中国农历癸卯年,即民间生肖纪年的兔年。在这兔年来临之际,让我们重新检阅一下汉英词典中一些与“兔”相关的表达法,聊作一种新年之乐吧。


白兔 1.white rabbit 2. moon

冰兔 moon

蟾兔also蜍兔 /chú -/ 1.[Chin Myth] the toad and the jade rabbit on the moon 2.[Chin Myth] the jade rabbit on the moon 3. moon

雌兔 doe

待兔 (to stand by a stump waiting for more hares to crash into it) to trust to chance and windfallssee守株待兔 /shǒu zhū - -/

当兔 shaft between two sideboards (of carriage)

伏兔 1. squattingorlurking hare: 上覆飞鸟, 下不见~ with birds hovering above,no rabbit was seen lurking on the ground 2. squatting hare [device between bottom board and axle of a carriage]3. [Chin Med] futu, squatting hare [acupoint of the stomach meridian of foot-yangming(足阳明), located on the line connecting the anterior superior iliac spine and the superior border of the patella, 6 cun (寸)above the patella]

跟兔 attendant, footman (of a pimp)

家兔 domestic rabbit

蹇兔 lame rabbit

金兔 (gold hare) moon

罝兔 1. to catch a rabbit with a net 2. rabbit trapped in a net 3. conduct of a virtuous person

灵兔 [Chin Myth] jade hare [on the moon]

牡兔 buck

踆兔 moon

守兔 to aim high and bide one’s time

霜兔 white rabbit

跳兔 [Zool] jumping rabbit, jump-ing hare,pedetid [long tail, short front legs, long hind legs, either black or white]

兔楮 writing brush and paper

兔蛋 male prostitute

兔管also兔翰 /- hàn/ writing brushsee毛笔 /máo bǐ/

兔毫 rabbit’s hair writing brush

兔褐 1. cloth made of rabbit hair 2. brownish yellow

兔灰 grey (colour)

兔简 1. writing brush and paper 2. writings

兔角 non-existent thing

兔径 small path: 独徘徊~ pace up and down the small path alone

兔窟 1. warren; rabbit burrow 2.abbr狡兔三窟 /jiǎo - sān -/

兔鬣 1. rabbit hair 2. writing brush

兔笼 rabbit hutch

兔轮 moon [another name for 月亮 /yuè liang/]

兔毛 1. rabbit hair 2. tender tea leaves

兔目 1. rabbit’s eyes 2. new leaves of Chinese scholartree [shaped like rabbit eyes]

兔魄 moon [another name for 月亮 /yuè liang/]

兔阙 [Chin Myth] palace on the moon

兔肉 rabbit

兔丝 [Bot] Chinese dodder,Cuscuta chinensis[the seeds of which are used in Chinese medicine]see菟丝子 /- - zǐ

兔脱 to flee (like a rabbit)

兔眼 [Med] hare-eyed; lagopht-halmus; lagophthalmos

兔颖 writing brush made of rabbit hair

兔影 1. shadow on the moon 2. shadow cast by moonlight

脱兔 1. fleeing hare 2. fastsee动如脱兔 /dòng rú - -/

夕兔also瑶兔 /yáo -/ moon

野兔 hare; rabbit

阴兔 moon

玉兔 (jade hare) moon [from the legend that a white hare lives on the moon]

雉兔 1. pheasant and rabbit 2. to hunt pheasants and rabbits

逐兔 1. to chase a rabbit 2. to fight for the throne: 万人~ myriads of people scramble for the throne 3. to lead a leisure and comfortable life

坠兔 setting moon: ~收光 the moon has set

走兔 to wield a brush; to writeorpaint with a brush

电动兔 rabbit [figure of a rabbit sped mechanically along a dog track’s edge as an object of pursuit ]

兔捣碓 [Chin Myth] the rabbit’s pestle [in which the “rabbit in the moon” (月中兔 /yuè zhōng -/) grinds medicinal herbs]

兔耳花also兔子花 /- zi -/ [Bot] cyclamen;Cyclamen persicum

兔翻花 romping; skipping; hopping

兔化法 [Biochem] lapinization

兔毛尘 (particle of dust on a rabbit’s hair) microscopic; minute

兔毛呢 rabbit hair fabric

兔女郎 bunny girl [young nightclub waitress whose costume includes the tail and ears of a rabbit]

兔儿爷 1. Turye [rabbit-shaped clay figure,popular during the Mid-autumn Festival]2. catamite

兔热病 [Med] rabbit fever; tulare-mia

兔崽子 1. brat 2. s.o.b 3. catamite

兔 子 鞋 1. rabbit’s shoes 2. to run away fast [used after “to wear” ( 穿 /chuān/)]

养兔场 rabbitry; rabbit warren小兔子 bunny

玉兔毫 1. soft long hair of white hare 2. radiance of the moon 3.brush pen

白兔赤乌 1. (white rabbit and red raven) the moon and the sun 2. time

得兔忘蹄 (to forget the rabbit net after catching the rabbit) to forget the circumstances behind one’s success; to be ungrateful

东兔西乌 (the moon rises in the east and the sun sets in the west) time elapses without ceasing

动如脱兔 (like a rabbit when moving) nimble, agile (of one’s movements)

龟毛兔角 (tortoise growing hair and rabbit growing horns) 1. omen of war 2. impossible thing; sth in name only

狐死兔泣 (when the fox dies the rabbit weeps) to have sympathy for fellow creatures

见兔放鹰 (to release the hawk upon seeing the rabbit) 1. to chase immediate interests 2. to take measures in time 3. [Budd] to teach appropriately to the spiritual capacities of the audience

见兔顾犬 (to call for one’s dog upon seeing the rabbit) to take immediate action to save the situation

狡兔三窟 (a wily rabbit has three exits to its burrow) a crafty person has several ways out of a predicament

惊猿脱兔 (startled monkeys and fleeing hares) to be startled and run away quickly

狼奔兔脱 (to dash like wolves and flee like rabbits ) to dash pell-mell;to flee helter-skelter: 那帮匪徒~,如入无人之境 the bandits went on a rampage as if they were in no man’s land

目兔顾犬 (to call the hound after seeing the hare) to remedy in time

犬兔俱毙 both parties perish together; both end in common ruin

狮子搏兔 (like a lion pouncing on a hare; not stint the strength of a lion in wrestling with a rabbit) to go all out or use all one’s might even when fighting a weaker opponent or handling a minor matter; to use a lot of strength to perform a small feat

势若脱兔 (to dash like a fleeing hare) sharp and swift when attacking the enemy

守株待兔 (to stand by a tree stump waiting for another hare to come by and dash itself against it) to wait for gains without pains; to trust to chance and windfalls; to do nothing but wait for a stroke of luck: 那个失业者~,等待机会 the jobless man did nothing but wait for his chance

兔 角 龟 毛 (rabbit’s horns and turtle’s hair) nonexistent things

兔 角 牛 翼 (rabbit’s horns and bull’s wings) unreasonable things

兔毛大伯 rich villager; rustic man of property

兔脑痘苗 [Vet] neurovaccine

兔起凫举 (fleeing like a rabbit and hurtling like a wild duck) quick; swift

兔起鹘落 1. (as soon as the hare rises, the falcon swoops) bold (of brush strokes) 2. quick; nimble

兔起乌沉 the moon rises and the sun sets

兔儿奶奶 wife of Turye (兔儿爷)

兔丝燕麦 (Chinese dodder and oats) in name only; in name but not in reality

兔死狗烹 (when the hare dies the dogs are killed and boiled) trusted aides are eliminated after they have outlived their usefulness

兔死狐悲 (when the rabbit dies the fox mourns) like grieves (mourns,feels) for like: ~,物伤其类 the fox will mourn when the rabbit dies, and all creatures grieve for their own ilk

兔 头 蛇 眼 (rabbit’s head and snake’s eyes) crafty-looking

兔头兔脑 stupid-looking; like a dumbhead

兔走乌飞 (hare running and crow flying) how time flies

脱兔之势 (with the momentum of a fleeing hare) sharp and swift

乌飞兔走 (crow flying and hare running) how time flies

逐兔先得 the leader in the hunt gets the quarry

不见兔子不撒鹰 (to refrain from releasing the hawk without seeing the hawk) not to take untimely action

赶两只兔子,一只都捉不着 if you run after two hares, you will catch neither

狐死则兔悲,兔死则狐亦悲 when the fox dies, the rabbit mourns;when the rabbit dies, the fox also mourns

狡兔死,良狗烹 (after the crafty rabbit is killed, the hound is cooked) past services are soon forgotten

静如处女,动如脱兔also静若处子,动若脱兔 /- - - zǐ - - - -/ (like a maiden when still and like a rabbit when moving) to have the know-how to cope with circumstances; to know when to take proper action: 他能做到~吗?does he have much savvy about inaction and action?

没有黄狼的地方,兔子也摆架子 (even the rabbit will put on airs where there is no yellow weasel)when the cat’s away, the mice will play

宁可守株待兔,不可缘木求鱼 (better wait at a tree stump for a hare than climb a tree to catch fish)better wait for a windfall than adopt a wrong and fruitless approach

狮子搏兔,亦用全力 (even a lion will exert itself when fighting with a hare) to handle trifling matters seriously;to spare no effort in dealing with small problems

兔耳形室内天线 rabbit ears

兔毫无优劣,管手有巧拙 (there is no good or bad writing brush,but there is a skillful or clumsy hand)good calligraphy pivots on the skill of the calligrapher

兔眼乌饭树 [Bot] rabbiteye

兔子不吃窝边草 (a rabbit does not eat the grass near its burrow) an evildoer does not harm his neighbours;a criminal never commits crimes near home

兔子回头,凶似虎 (a rabbit which turns is as fierce as a tiger) even the meek will turn and fight when overly oppressed

兔子急了,还咬人 (even a rabbit will bite people when desperate)even the meek will revolt when pushed too far; even a worm will turn

兔子驾不了辕 (a rabbit can never be harnessed to a carriage) don’t ask the weak or incapable to shoulder heavy responsibilities

兔子靠腿,狼靠牙——各有各的谋生法 (rabbits live off their fast legs, and wolves off their sharp teeth) every creature has his own way of making a living

兔子满山跑,还得回老窝 (a rabbit may run all over the hills but will still return to its burrow in time)everyone will return home sooner or later

兔子尾巴长不了 (a rabbit’s tail cannot be long) won’t last


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推荐访问:兔年 汉英 词典