
时间:2023-06-29 09:25:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



For as long as there have been cartoons there have been voice actors.In reality, voice actors are some of the best in the business, relying on nothing but their vocal talents in order to bring their respective characters to life. Their contribution to the media is as utterly phenomenal as it is uniquely challenging.

2Much of a voice actor’s career is spent in a booth reading lines to the surrounding air in a variety of tones and styles for each take. As Tom Hanks has been keen to emphasise, the transition from ‘regular’ acting roles to animated ones (specificallyToy Story1美国迪士尼公司出品的系列动画电影,汤姆·汉克斯在其中为胡迪配音。) is not an easy one, an often-gruelling process involving hour after hour of line reads to find the perfect take. Anyone who has enjoyed the pleasures of the Matt Berry sitcomToast of London2英国电视剧。will have some small appreciation of the frustrations endured by diligent voice actors at the hands of their overbearing sound producers.



3The great skill of the voice artist,then, is to be able to conjure characters through the power of the voice alone,often with minimal external resources.While performers may be gifted supplementary materials ranging from sketches to projections of footage, the general lack of other actors off which to bounce makes proceedings akin to working in a creative vacuum. Since cartoons aren’t quite so adept at conveying the infinitely varying subtleties of the human face,the importance of a decent voice behind the lines becomes even more acute.

4The quality of voice acting has coincided with the rise in quality of most animated fare in general, a trend accelerated with the ascent ofThe Simpsonsin the 90s. Combining the vocal dexterity of an impressionist3impressionist 模仿演员(常模仿名人言行)。and the emotive skills of trained actors, the exceptional ear that many great vocal performers possess is akin to that of a great jazz musician able to improvise melodies purely by virtue of hearing the notes in his or her head.

5A voice actor’s voice is their weapon,their predominant tool in crafting characters of a range and variety, as well as depth and subtlety, of which most‘regular’ actors can only dream. The Simpsons’ Hank Azaria has lent his talents to stalwarts such as Comic Book Guy, Cletus, Professor Frink, Snake4原名Chester Turley,Snake 为其昵称。,The Sea Captain5原名霍雷肖·麦卡利斯特(Horatio McCallister)。, Superintendent Chalmers, Disco Stu and of course Mo Szyslak, while Family Guy’s Seth Mac-Farlane, a skilled voice actor in his own right, stretches his vocal capacity to the limit in order to voice Peter, Brian and Stewie Griffin, as well as Dr. Hartman,Carter Pewterschmidt, Sheamus, Tom Tucker and God himself.


4总体看来,配音的质量与多数动画片的质量在同步提升,这一趋势随着20 世纪90年代动画片《辛普森一家》的成功加快了。许多杰出的配音演员兼具模仿演员的灵活发声技巧和成熟演员的情感表达技巧。他们拥有非凡的听力,一如优秀的爵士音乐家仅凭脑海中听到的音符就能即兴创作旋律。


6The king of the medium is arguably Mark Hamill, a man whose unusual career trajectory has taken him from the starring role in the most iconic film franchise of all time to becoming arguably the most versatile and respected voice actor of his generation. Hamill can do it all, his roles ranging from Skeletor inMasters of the Universeto Chucky in theChild’s Play6美国系列恐怖电影。remake. It’s a testament to Hamill’s extraordinary skills that his incarnation of The Joker is still held up as the truest and most complete version of the character, ahead of the likes of Jack Nicholson, Joaquin Phoenix and even Heath Ledger.

7The skillset required isn’t just restricted to TV and movies. From Roger Clark’s peerless evocation of Western antihero Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 27一款以美国西部拓荒史为题材的动作冒险类开放世界游戏。to Troy Baker’s nuanced portrayal of damaged survivor Joel Miller in The Last of Us8索尼电脑娱乐公司发行的一款动作冒险生存类游戏。, the gaming world has seen a rapid evolution over the past few years in the standard, and consistency, of its vocal performances.It’s little surprise that some of the finest voice actors working today do so through the medium of gaming. It’s an ideal showcase for a performer’s work. Artists can expect to have their work heard hundreds of times across thousands of cumulative hours of gameplay. With the meteoric rise in quality of gaming storytelling, chameleonic performers such as Nolan North, Troy Baker, and Hamill himself choose video games as their predominant means of employment.



8The talents of actors are often overrated, their suitability and success dictated often as much by circumstances of birth, attractiveness or other trivial characteristics. The voice actor, however,is an artist, a performer utilising nothing more than the human voice to craft characters as a musician employs the keys on a piano keyboard.



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