
时间:2023-06-28 15:15:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



七年级英语考试答案 第1篇




( ) At In the school Yes, I can

( ) No, I’m not walking May 1st

( ) Friday English Comedy

( ) In Tokyo The music club July

( ) Yes, I do At 6:00 Because it’s interesting


( ) It" s It" s It" s

( ) A An A

( ) In a police In a In a

( ) Yes, Tony Yes, they No, they don’t

( ) All over the In In other countries all over


( ) is .

Sunday morning Saturday morning Sunday afternoon

( ) " s the weather there?

It"s It" s It’s s

( ) are many people from .

England and Canada America and Japan Canada and Australia

( ) driver is .

an American a Chinese a man

( ) in the

are reading newspaper want to play basketball are listening to a man


photos People What doing?

the first photo I 21

the second photo 22 are swimming at the pool

the next photo my family 23

the last photo I’m with 24 25

( ) ’m playing soccer ball I’m playing basketball

She’s playing soccer ball He’s playing basketball

( ) ’m with my brother I’m with my mother

My father and I My brother and my sister

( ) Are eating dinner Are eating lunch

Are eating breakfast Are eating apples

( ) Mary Gina Tom Bill

( ) She’s doing homework He’s playing volleyball

She’s dancing He’s singing

Ⅱ、笔试部分(共95分)X kb1 .com


winter ______________ this heat

a photo of my family the day

group of people 散步______________

沙滩排球______________ 在度假______

在对面______________ 玩得高兴_____________


’s a beautiful, ______ (sun)

This is the _______of the (begin)

They can _______the guitar (play)

How many _____can you see in the room? (man)

Mary enjoys _______football games very (watch)

Thanks for _____me so much (give)

Lin Tao wants ________an actor when he grows (be)

Nancy likes _____to (listen)

Can you and your brother________ ? (swim)

Look! The children ______happily over (play)


How" s the weather today?

the weather today?

pay phone is in the

The pay phone is .

What"s her job?=What is she?

What she ?

My aunt is from

My aunt

! They are taking a

Look! They are taking .


There is some money for (改为否定句)

money for her?

I am doing my (对划线部分提问)

you ?

They are some young (改为单数形式)

a young .

There is a supermarket across from the ( 改为一般问句)

________ __________ a supermarket across from the park?

I like Because they are very ( 划线部分提问)

_________ _________ you like dolphins?

Her English teacher is from the ( 同上 )

___________ is her English teacher _____________?

She often plays soccer after (用now改写句子)

She __________ ____________ soccer

It’s humid (就划线部分提问)

____________ ___________ __________________________today?

It’s (就划线部分提问)


It’s nine (对画线部分提问)

_________ the time?


( ) ______him, because he is

like likes to like liking

( ) —— What __________ he do? —— He __________ an

is, is does, does does, is is, does

( ) —— What time does she get up? —— She ___________ up at 6:10

is getting gets to get get

( ) ——What language does the woman speak?

——She speaks . She" s from

Japanese Chinese French English

( ) —— What are you doing? —— I _____ a letter to my pen

write am writing writes am write

( ) —— _______ you watching TV? —— Yes, I

Do, do Can, can Are, am Are, do

( ) Look! Dave _______________ on the

talks are talking talk is talking

( ) —— __ Mary cleaning her room? ——No, she is __ .

Does, reads Can, read Is, reading Does, reading

( ) ——Let’s _ to the movies ――That

going, sounding go, sounds go, sound goes, sounds

( ) —— does your aunt work? ——In a

What How Where Which

( ) your pen pals ?

are, from do, from do, come is , from

( ) —— is the weather in Beijing now? ——It’s

What, winding How, windy When, winds Why, windy

( ) ——What’s the weather _________ in Beijing?

——It’s terrible in summer, too cold and

likes is liking like liking

( ) Thank you for _____________ CCTV’s Around The World

join is joining to join joining

( ) —— __________ it going? —— Great!

What’s How’s Why is Where’s

( ) People are really ______________ on the beach in summer (夏季).

relaxed relaxing relax to relax

( ) Look! The man ________ under the tree is enjoying the

lie lying is lying lies

( ) ——Who are you _____? —— My

wait waiting waiting for wait for

( ) ——Let’s go to see the action ——

Yes, we do No, we don’t

That sounds exciting No,

( ) is busy _____his

doing do to do does


My friend Tony is an American 1 He is ten years He lives 2 his family in China There are 3 people in his family; his mother Mrs Green, his father Green and his little sister He has a white 4 name is Look \ Amy is playing 5 His father, Green, is watc?hing His mother is doing What about Tony? He is doing 6 Chinese He can"t 7 Chinese well, but he likes Chinese very Tony"s 8 works in a TV His father works in a school as an 9 Tony and his sister 10 to the same

( ) girl boy cat dog

( ) on after with in

( ) two three four five

( ) His Her It"s its

( ) to with from at

( ) her it"s a his

( ) say tell speak talk

( ) father mother sister D brother

( ) Chinese Japanese English Australian

( ) go goes going to go



It" s Sunday There are many people in the park, some boys are playing There are some girls under a big They" re singing and What are those women doing? They are drinking Look at the woman in a blue Who" s she? She" s my She is talking to Edward is her He is a good He studies hard . He" s good at all the And he" s friendly to all his teachers and his

( ) The boys are ,

singing playing basketball dancing drinking

( ) My mother is .

a teacher an office a doctor a woman

( ) Edward is in .

my home the classroom the zoo the park

( ) —— Who" s under a big tree? —— .

Some Some Some Some

( ) —— What color is my mother" s coat? ——It"s .

blue white red yellow


Bill is from He lives in He can speak French and English, but he can" t speak He has a pen pal in the United Her name is Lisa and she lives in New Bill" s favorite sport is basketball and he can play the Lisa" s favorite sport is She can"t play the guitar, but she can play the piano and sing very

( ) is from .

Australia France the United States the UK

( ) Lisa is an .

Chinese American English Japanese

( ) What languages does Bill speak?

Chinese French English B and C

( ) What is Bill" s favorite sport?

tennis volleyball soccer basketball

( ) Which sentence is NOT right?

Bill has a pen pal in the

Bill can play the piano and Lisa can play the

Bill and Lisa like different

Lisa lives in New

Bob has a good friend, He is a brown He is not very Bob gets him from

One day Bob’s father, mother and Bob go to the Mason’s farm (农场) for After lunch, Mason says, “I’m going to a big So I can’t take him You can’t have a young dog in a big ”

“ Let me have him, ” Mason, “ he knows me well and we have no dog, ” Mason looks at Bob’s mother and

“Please , Mother, let me have him,” says

“Ask your father,” says

“Please, Dad?”

“Yes, you can have ”

“Thank you, dear Thanks, Come here, ”

“See! The dog is his now,” says

( ) What color is Caesar? It’s

black yellow brown white

( ) How old is the dog? It’s

very old not very old half a year one year and a half

( ) Mason works .

in a school in a factory with Green on a farm

( ) Mason wants to .

take the dog to a big city give Bob the dog

leave (离开) home with the dog sell the dog

( ) Caesar is Bob’s

friend brother doll name

八、书面表达。假如你是Mike,正在英国学习外语。你的朋友Lin Tao在学习英语的过程中遇到了一些困难,向你求助。请给他写一封信,介绍一下你学习英语的方法,并鼓励他不要放弃。


一. Look! The koala comes from

— Where" s your pen pal from? - He comes from New

- What" s your brother doing? - He" s playing

- How" s the weather in Canada now? - It" s snowing and

- What does your cousin want to be? -He wants to be a

二. Where do people play baseball ?

you watching TV ?

kind of movies do you like ?

club does he want to join ?

Why do you like ?

三. - The weather is going too bad - Yes, it" s raining

Question: How" s the weather there?

- Is your brother a student? - But he wants to be an

Question; What does he want to be?

- Can you help me? I want to find a pay - It" s over there, in a

Question; Where is the pay phone?

-1 like animals very

- Me, Let"s go to the zoo this afternoon, OK?

Question; Do they want to go to the library?

- Do you know the animals?

- They are They live only in

Question; Where do pandas live?


It" s a fine Sunday It" s sunny and Ann and her mother are in a big There are many people in Some of them come from America, and some come from England and They are all their They are going to the

There are two Chinese in the One is a She is driving the The other is a young He speaks good He is now talking a-bout the The other people are all listen?ing to They want to buy some They are very

五.Dear Maria,

Thanks for your letter and the Here are some of my In the first photo, I" m playing basketball at In the second photo, I" m with my We are swimming at the In the next photo, you can see my family at We" re eating In the last photo I" m with my sister She" s doing homework I" m watching

Ⅰ 1――5 CBAAB 6—10 AACBC 11—15 ABCCB 16—20 BCABC

21—22 BAABA


一至四题(略) 五. 1—5 BCBDB 6—10 C DCBC 11—15 D BCDB

16—20 A CDCA 21—25 CBCCC

1――5 BCCDB 6- --10 DCBCA



Dear Lin Tao,

I was happy to read your You asked me for some advice on learning

At first, I also found it hard to remember so many words and Then I found that the best way to remember words was to learn their There are some useful rules in the pronunciation, and they can help me remember new words I also had some grammar problems when I was in first I tried to read more and practice Now it isn"t very difficult for me to understand the sentences and That"s my secret of learning I hope it helps Please never give up!

七年级英语考试答案 第2篇

语音 选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项(每小题1分,共5分)

( ) club drum run uniform

( ) A .dream please breakfast meat

( ) taste make race giraffe

( ) south think health these

( ) koala over also cross

词汇 (每小题1分,共10分)


She often swims on the

I usually brush my t_____before

They t_____the bus to school every

Don’t e____in

Pandas are kind of


She can ________(下国际象棋).

I _________(起床) at 6:00 in the

My mother _________(骑自行车) to work every day .

I must _______(清洗餐具) after

Elephants can never_______(迷路) .


Tom wants ___to you . Are you free ?

to tell tells to talk talks

Bob can play ___soccer, but he can’t play

the, the / ,/ /, the the, /

Can he _____it in English ?

speak speaks say talk

Little Tom draws His pictures are very

well , good good , good

good, well well, well

John doesn’t_____his homework_____the

do in /, in do ,at does, in

—_____do they play soccer ?

—On Saturday

When What How Where

My aunt likes ____TV and my uncle likes ____a book at

to watch, to read to see, to read

to watch, to work to watch, to see

—What time is it ? —It’s ______o’

half past ten about eight

ten past six a quarter past two

It takes ___one hour ____my room every

I , clean me, to clean

me, cleaning my , to clean

—___is it from Xiangfan to Wuhan ?

—About 300

How far How old

How many Where

Can you help me _____ my English ?

with of learning about

We often _____Beijing at 8:00

get to get arrive arrive at

She _____ come early next time .

don’t have to doesn’t have to

hasn’t to doesn’t has to

Do you go out _____school nights?

at to on in

—___do you like this book ?

—___ it is

Why, So Why, Because

What, So What, Because

Some animals only come out ____

in on for at

—What are you doing ? —I_____

have can have having am having

Thank you for _____the school play .

to join join is joining joining

I have to practice ______ English every

to speak speaking speak speaks

Look ! There ____ a new car under the

be are is /


My mother usually ______ (go) to bed at twelve o’

What about _____ (dance) with them?

_____(not bring ) players to

Can you see the sign “No ______(talk)” on the wall?

Please tell him _____(call) me back .

My brother is in _______(dangerous).

His sister is good at _________(swim).

Let me _____ (make) her

! Some girls _______(sing) in the

’s a ______(fun) time for


I like pandas very They’re very 1 . Most of them live in Sichuan, 2 . They 3 white fur (皮毛) ,but their shoulders , legs , ears and eyes are 4 . Pandas are usually heavy , but they can climb (攀爬)trees 5 other

Pandas like eating bamboo(竹子) They also like 6 .They 7 some hours every

Unluckily, there are 8 pandas in the world 9 some people cut down too many bamboo trees .

I think we must 10


( ) ugly lazy cute

( ) China Africa Australia

( ) are like have

( ) black white fat

( ) for with like

( ) sleeping running singing

( ) relax walk work

( ) a little not one not many

( ) So Because And

( ) visit help like


Jill can be good with old (改为一般疑问句)

______ Jill _____ good with old people?

I usually go to school at 7:00 in the (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ do you usually go to school in the morning?

Miss Brown often walks to (改为同义句)

Miss Brown often gets to work ____

You can’t listen to music in the (改为祈使句)

_____ _____ to music in the

She is playing basketball (改为否定句)

She _____ _____ basketball



Kate is a little She is only She isn"t at She can"t read or But her brother Jim is a He is He is at He knows how to read and He is a good Their parents are


( ) Is Kate a little boy?

Yes, she No, she isn"t

Yes, he No, he isn"

( ) --What is their father?


a doctor a worker a teacher a driver

( ) Who can read and write?

Their Both B and

( ) How old is the little girl?

( ) Are Kate and Jim classmates?

No, they Yes, they aren"

Yes, they No, they aren"


Sun Painting Club

Kids can learn Chinese painting They can learn how to draw plants and Their teacher is Yang His English name is His phone number is 351—

Time : July 8 —18

Fee(费用) :360 yuan

Age of kids : 6 —15

Blue Sports Club

You can learn basketball, soccer and baseball The basketball teacher is Alan He’s from The soccer teacher is Paul He’s from The baseball teacher is Rose She is

Time: July 8—18(basketball)

July 19—28 (soccer )

August 1—10(baseball)

Fee: 200 yuan for each(每一个) sport

Age of kids: 10—18

Email address: blue sports

( ) Mr Black’son wants to learn Chinese painting, soccer and He needs

360 yuan 560 yuan

760 yuan 400 yuan

( ) Mr Miller teaches the kids

Chinese painting baseball

soccer basketball

( ) Miss Jones is from

China England America

( ) Sally is seven years She can

soccer baseball

basketball Chinese painting

( ) Yang Yong’s English name is

Paul Jeff Peter Alan


A Notice in the Lab

Come to the lab at 9:00 Don’t arrive late for

Don’t fight in the

When you come into the lab, listen to your teacher carefully(仔细地). Do what he tells you to

After the experiment(实验),You must put everything back and wash your hands with

When you leave, you must turn off(关) the lights(灯),close (关)the windows ,and lock(锁)the


( ) You must arrive at the lab on

( ) You can fight in the

( ) You must listen to your teacher

( ) You can’t use the soap to wash your

( ) You must turn off the lights when you



Our math teacher _____ ______ ______


I often ____ ____ _____ at 6:30 in the


What do you _____ _____ the trip?


He ______ does his homework ______ watches


Because they are very



What else do you like?


A: What animals do you like?

B: 1

A: Why do you like them?

B: 2 And they often help us in the

A: 3

B: I like lions,

A: 4 But do you know where lions from?

B: 5 I

作文 (10分)

请给 Know写一封信,告诉他你在家和学校都有那些规定以及你的感受。

Dear Know,








A: weekend teeth take eat shy

B: chess up a bike do the dishes lost


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



goes dancing Don’t bring talking to call

danger swimming make are singing funny

完形填空(10分)x Kb om

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Can be What time on

foot Don’t listen isn’t playing


A and B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


T F 1 T F T


is strict with take a

shower think of either or




七年级英语考试答案 第3篇



( )21、He often plays________ basketball

A、/; an B、a;an C、a; a D、/; a

( )22、—When you’re hungry, where can you get something to eat? —

A、In a pool B、In a restaurant C、In a garden D、In a library

( )23、When I grow up, I want________ a football

A、be B、to be C、am D、are

( )24、It’s________ in Australia when it’s winter in

A、cold B、hot C、winter D、snowing

( )25、Look! Emma is_______ her Her room is

A、clean; clean B、clean; cleaning C、cleaning; clean D、cleaning; cleaning

( )26、—Mr Black, can I play with Tom?

—I’m sorry but he_________play with you He _________his

A、can; is doing B、can’t; is doing

C、can’t; does D、can; does

( )27、The

A、taste good B、tastes well

C、tastes good D、taste well

( )28、It’s very cold in Beijing now, ________?

A、doesn’t it B、does it C、is it D、isn’t it

( )29、What’s Jim doing over there? He’s_______ his

A、talking B、talking with C、talks D、talk

( )30、People are really_______on the beach in

A、relaxed B、relaxing C、boring D、bored

( )31、_______sleeps during the day but at night he gets up and eats

A、A panda B、A dog C、A koala D、A giraffe

( )32、It takes_______ ten minutes _______on foot

A、his; to get to school B、him; to get to school

C、his; going to school D、him; going to school

( )33、—Do you like to go to the movies with me?

— __________

A、Thank B、I’d love C、OK D、That’s right

( )34、They often have lots of homework _______ after

to do doing do does

( )35、The teacher ______ me to _______ it in

tells, say says, tell talks, say speaks, tell


Hello,boys and girls! Are you 36 this Sunday? If not, please 37 to visit the animals in our

The monkeys 38 from They are very The pandas from China are very cute and 39 The giraffes are very They’re from South 40 you come, maybe they are eating the leaves 41 the We have a big 42 . It’s for the dolphins can jump and “walk” on They can play 43 The tigers and lions are They are They often 44 20 hours a They’re So don’t go near When you are watching the animals,please 45 give food to

( ) free busy smart

( ) go walk ride

( ) comes

( ) kind of of a kind of

( ) If Because But When

( ) at for on

( ) 42 zoo garden pool park

( ) to with in on

( ) forget cut learn

( ) ’t ’t do doesn’t do



Brown"s telephone number is 3464, and the number of the cinema in her town is 5463, so people often make a mistake and telephone her when they want the

One evening the telephone bell rings and Brown answers A tired man says, "At what time does your last film begin?"

"I"m sorry," says Brown, "but you have wrong This is not the "

"Oh, it began(开始) twenty minutes ago?" says the "I"m sorry about Goodbye! "

Brown is very So she tells her husband about He laughs and says, "The man"s wife wants to go to the cinema, but he is feeling tired, so he telephones the His wife can hear him, but she can’t hear Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy!

根据短文判断正误:(T or F)

( ) Brown knows a lot about the films, so people often telephone

( ) Brown is surprised at the

( ) The man doesn"t want to see a film because his wife is feeling

( ) The man and his wife don"t go to the cinema because the film has already begun (已开始).

( ) The man telephones just to cheat (骗) his


Wanted: An English Tutor

Do you like kids? Are you outgoing(开朗的)? Do you have over three years’ experience(经验) as an English teacher? Do you have free time on Saturday and Sunday? I need a woman teacher for my She is twelve and she is not good at

You will:

Teach from 3:00 to 6:00

Play with my

Tell her stories in

Our address: Beihai Road, Garden

If you want to know more information(信息), please call Yang at


( ) Yang wants ________ for her

a babysitter(保姆) a good cook

an English teacher a math tutor

( ) If you want to work for Yang, you must teach the daughter for _______


three hours six hours a day A whole afternoon

( ) If you want to be the tutor, you need to

①be beautiful ②have over three years’ teaching experience

③have time on weekends ④ be a woman

①② ②③ ①②③ ②③④

( ) If you want to know more about the job, what can you do?

Write an email to Mrs Make a phone call to Mrs

Go to Mrs Yang’s Write a letter to

( ) do you know about Yang’s daughter?

She is good at She is eleven years

She is busy on the loves


My name is Sally I am a school My school is far from my Every day it takes me a lot of time to get The road is not flat(平整), so I can not go to school by I often get there by bus or on It takes me about thirty minutes to get there by bus and about an hour on I must get up early every I have no time for breakfast at I often have something for breakfast on the way or on the I don’t want to be late for school, so sometimes I run to

( ) does Sally live?


( ) home is

( ) takes her ________ to get to school on

minutes minutes hour hour and a half

( ) does Sally have breakfast?

the way to her a

( ) she often late for school?

, she , she isn’


Knight is the manager (经理)of a hotel (旅馆). One weekend all of the hotels in the city are full because there is a large On Friday night, three men come into the hotel and ask for Knight says there are no rooms ready because of the The men are

Knight wants to help He remembers that Room 418, a very small room, is He asks them if they can share (共用)a The three men say they Knight say the room will be thirty dollars: ten for each Each man gives him the money and then they go up to the

Knight soon begins to feel "Thirty dollars is a lot to ask as a price for that small " he He calls his assistant (助手)over and says, "Here is five Take it to the men in Room I ask too much for their "

The assistant takes the While he is on the way there, he starts to think, "How can three men divide (分配) five dollars? I"ll give them each only one dollar and keep the two dollars for The men will be happy to get something And Knight will never " So the assistant returns one dollar to each

Each man has at first paid ten After the assistant returns them one dollar each, each has actually(实际上) paid There are three The assistant keeps $

Where is the missing dollar?

( ) The three men are not happy because

there is a large meeting it is weekend

there is only one small room they won"t have a place to stay

( ) With the help of the manager, the three men

go to another hotel

each get a small room for the night

stay together in a small room

get a small room Knight keeps for himself

( )63 At first __________

the three men pay the manager $27 the three men pay the manager $10

the three men pay the manager $25 the three men pay the manager $30

( ) The assistant

the men to divide the money

keeps two dollars for himself

three to the men and two to the manager

keeps three dollars for himself

( ) Where is the missing dollar ?

There isn"t any missing The assistant takes

Knight takes The three men takes



Dean is Mike’s She is a 66 . She works at 2 Middle School in She has two 67 . Their names are Sandy and Sandy is a nice Every morning she gets up 68 . First she helps Dean 69 the Then she 70 books in her Sometimes she gives food to her bird 71 that she goes to school with her brother When school is over, she usually waits for Peter at the school 72 they go home On weekends, she sometimes goes 73 with her And sometimes she goes swimming 74 Where’s she now? Look! She is 75 photos of Peter with her new Hmm, the two children look very


A: Hello, This is

B: Linda? Hi! ?

A: I’m in Boston!

B: Wow,

A: It’s hot and How about the weather in Zhengzhou?

B: It’s raining

A: I’m doing my I’m studying in a school of

B: Really? How do you get to school?

. The school is not far from my And the bus ride is

B: Oh, ?

A: I get up at Our class begins at 9:00 in the

B: Sounds like you are having good time Happy every day!

A: Call you next




Name Activity Place

Dave 、Jim and Mike play soccer in a park

Linda play the violin under the tree

Judie read a book near a tree

Tom and Ken swim in a pool

七年级英语考试答案 第4篇

1、 单项选择(10分)

( ) 1. 下列单词中含有相同元音因素的是_____.

A that; these B thank; that C this; those

( ) 2. --________, Gina! --Good morning, Bob!

A Good afternoon B Hello C Good morning

( ) 3. –What"s this ________? --It"s a pen.

A in English B in Chinese C with English

( ) 4. --________ is your ruler? --It"s yellow.

A What"s color B What color C What about

( ) 5. This is _____ red apple. That is _____ orange.

A a; an B a; the C an; a

( ) 6. --Jenny, this is my friend, Tom. Tom, this is my sister, Jenny.

--____________, Tom.

A Hello B Nice to meet you C Excuse me

( ) 7. –Look at the boy, is he Jack?

--________. His name is Mike.

A Yes, it is B Yes, he is. C No, he isn"t

( ) 8. --______ are your books? Are they on the table?

--No, they are under the table.

A Where B Whose C What

( ) 9. --Is the blue pen ______?

--No, ______ pen is black.

A his; hers B hers; his C yours, my

( ) 10. –____________?

--Yes, P-E-N-C-I-L.

A How do you spell it? B Spell it, please. C Can you spell it?

2、 补全对话(5分)


Lucy and Tina are talking about whose are the school things. L is for Lucy. T is for Tina.

L: 11.________, my name is Lucy. What"s your name?

T: I"m Tina. 12.________________.

L: Nice to meet you, too. I found a school bag this morning.

T: Oh, 13.______________.

L: It"s blue.

T: No, it isn"t. Mine is black.

L: There are a ruler, three pens, an eraser, an English book and some notebooks in it.

T: Oh, I think it"s Tom"s.

L: 14._________________.

T: It"s 486-7925.

L: Ok, I see. Thanks.

T: 15._________.

A. You"re welcome.

B. What"s your telephone number?

C. What"s his phone number?

D. What color is it?

E. What color are they?

F. Nice to meet you.

G. Excuse me

3、 完形填空(10分)

请阅读下面短文,理解文章大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、 C、 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。

Li Hong and his English friend

Good morning, everyone. My name is Li Hong. Li is my 1.______ name. My first name is Hong. I have a good 2._____. His name is Jack Brown. His last name is Brown. 3._____ is his given name. We call him Jack. 4._____ is from England.

We both study at No. 5 middle school. I"m in Class Three, Grade Seven. He is in Class One, Grade Seven. We are in the 5._____ school, but we" re in different 6.______. At school we study English, math, Chinese, history(历史), geography(地理) 7._____ some other subjects. I like English very much. My 8._____ teacher is Mr. Black. He"s very friendly and 9._____. We all like his class.

My QQ number is 285374698 and 10._______ number is 257-3469. His telephone number is 354-7725. He doesn"t have QQ number.

( ) 16. A first B family C lost

( ) 17. A friend B brother C teacher

( ) 18. A Brown B Jack Brown C Jack

( ) 19. A She B Her C He

( ) 20. A some B same C first

( ) 21. A classes B classrooms C grades

( ) 22. A or B and C but

( ) 23. A math B Chinese C English

( ) 24. A tall B nice C beautiful

( ) 25. A telephone B ID card C car

4、 阅读理解(50分)

A 根据语篇内容,选择最佳标题

A My family B My brother C My school

D My room E My teacher F My mother

( ) 26. My mother is an English teacher. She works in our school. She is tall with glasses. Her class is very interesting, and her students like her very much.

( ) 27. I have a small family. There are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is a farmer. My mother is a nurse. My sister and I are students.

( ) 28. Look at this boy. His name is Tom. He is not my friend, but my brother. He likes playing basketball. We often play it after class.

( ) 29. This is a photo of my room. A big bed is in the middle of the room. There is a clock on the wall. Some books and a pen are on the table. Oh, my baseball is under the chair.

( ) 30. Hi! My name is Lily. I like English very much. Mr. Brown is our English teacher. He is good to us and treats us like his kids. His classes are very interesting.


My name"s Bob Smith. I"m twelve years old. I study at No. 3 Middle School. This is a photo of my family. The man is my father. His name is Dale Smith. He is a teacher in my school. He teaches English. And the woman is my mother, she is a teacher, too. Who"s that woman near my father? Oh, she is my aunt. She is a nurse. My grandparents aren"t in the photo, because they were in the USA at that time. I have a cat. Its name is Mimi. I love my family and I love my cat, too.

( ) 31. How old is Bob Smith?

A Eleven B Twelve C Thirteen

( ) 32. What is Bob"s father?

A He is a worker. B He is a teacher. C He is a nurse.

( ) 33. Where does Bob"s aunt work in?

A A school B A hospital C A factory

( ) 34. Why are Bob"s grandparents not in the photo?

A Because they were in the USA.

B Because they were sleeping

C Because they were in the town.

( ) 35. According to the passage, Which is not RIGHT?

A Bob has a dog. B Bob"s aunt is near his father C Bob"s mother is a doctor.


Hello! I"m Betty. This is a photo of my room. Can you see the books? Yes. They are in the bookcase. These are my notebooks and pencil box. They are on the desk. Where are my pencils? They are in the pencil box. That"s my bed. What is that on it? It"s a white jacket. What"s this on the sofa? It"s my hat. It"s purple. There are two photos on the wall(墙). This is a photo of my family. Look! These are my parents. Those are my grandparents. And this is me. That is photo of my dog. What"s her name? Her name is Lucky. Oh, where is Lucky? She is not on the sofa. She is not under my desk. Aha! She"s under the chair.

D 请从A-F中选出适当的句子填入文中,有一个是多余选项。

Hello, My name is Li Lei. I"m twelve years old. 41._______. They are now twelve years old. They are English. But they are now in China with their parents. 42._______, but they are not in the same class. Tom is in Class Three and Tim is in Class One. They look the same and wear the same clothes. 43.________. Tom likes blue best. His schoolbag and quilt are blue. But 44.______. He often wears green clothes and buys green rulers. 45.________. We are good friends.

A Tim likes green

B But they don"t like the same color

C Tom and Tim are twin brothers

D They go to the same school

E Tim likes red

F They are friendly and nice to others

E 阅读下面短文,回答后面的问题。

My name is Lucy. Amy is my sister. She is my good friend, too. We are twins. We are 13 years old. 我们在同一个年级. But we are in different classes. She is really friendly. She always plays with me after class. Sometimes we play tennis or ping-pong together(一起). We like sports very much.

Our favorite subject is art. Amy and I both like green. And I like blue, too. In Amy"s room, we do our homework first. Then we draw pictures. Amy"s friends call her Li Hua. That"s her Chinese name. I think it"s cool to have two names.

Today we go to our friend Jack"s house. There are many of our classmates and friends there. Some of them are Chinese. I think it is someone"s birthday, but Jack says they often have English parties together on weekends. I learn to use chopsticks. Chinese always use them when eating. How interesting it is to have a party with so many friends!

46. Who is Amy?


47. Are they in the same class?


48. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(将划线的英语翻译成汉语)


49. Translate the underlined sentence into English.(将划线的汉语翻译成英语)


50. Do you have a good friend? What do you often do after class?


5、 词语运用(10分)


too, be, and, girl, boy, who, what, of, she, a, Sam, but

My cousin Sandy is 51.______English girl. Her last name is White. She 52_____ tidy. In her room,her books 53.______a tape player are in the bookcase. 54._____ schoolbag is on the desk. Her pencil box is on the desk, 55._____.

Some pens and a set 56._____keys are in the pencil box. A baseball is under the desk,57._____it"s not Sandy"s. It"s her brother58._____.Sandy has a computer. It"s on the table. Next to the computer is a photo. Two 59._____ are in it. Do you know60._____the two girls are?Well,they are Sandy"s good friends,Mary and Anna.

七年级英语考试答案 第5篇


Part One Vocabulary and Grammar


1.Jane,you ______ hurry.There is much time left for you.

A.need to B.don’t need C.needn’t D.needn’t to

2.Some people like listening to the radio,but______ like reading books.

A.other B.others C.the others D.another

3.My sister_________ to the Great Wall last summer.

A.went B.have gone C.wiU go D.have been

4、My birthday is_____October,And it is_______October 11th.

on B.on;
in C.in;
on . D.in;

5.They_______ in a small town.But now they are in a big city.

A.used to live B.use to live C.uses to live D.used to living

6.Children like to________ firecrackers during Spring Festival.

A.set of B.set out C.set off D.see off

7.My home isn’t far from the cinema.It’s just about______.

A.ten- minute- walk B.ten minutes walk

C.ten minutes’walk D.ten minute’s walk

8.What’s your plan_______ National Day?

A.for B.at C.on D.during

9.There__________a sports meeting in our school next week.

A.are B.will be C.was D.is

10.People usually_______couplets before New Year’s Eve.

A.put up B.put on C.put off D.put down

11.They had a good time here,____________?

A.hadn’t they B.didn’t they C.do they D.did they

12.There is_______“s” in the word“small”.

A,the B.a C.an D./

13.This coat looks nice.Can I ______________?

A.try on B.try it on C.try on it D.try it

14 Taking a plane is_____________of the three.

A.expensive B.more expensive C.most expensive D.the most expensive

15.What about________ to the cinema with me tonight? That’s a good idea.

A.go B.going C.to go D.goes

16.We can look after the homeless animals___________ .

A.good B.well C.nice D.happy

17. ___________great fun it is to have a talk with you!

A.How. B.How a C.What D.What a

18.This pair of shoes________ me very well.

A.is fit B.are fit C.fits D.fit

19.Which hobby group are you going to_________?

A.join B.take part in C.attend D.take

20.People eat dumplings on__________.

A.Dragon Boat Festival B.Mid—autumn Festival

C.Lantern Festival D.Spring Festival

21 Mr.Smith had the same opinion with Mrs.Smith. The underlined part means________.

A.had a better view. B. agreed C.believed D.though

22.You look________than before.How is everything going on with you?

A.healthy B.healthier C.healthily D.more healthy

23.My mother needs some help,_________?

A.needn’t she B.need C.doesn’t she D.does she

24.Tom needs a pen to____________.

A.write B.writing C.write with D.write on

25.--Mrs.Green,may I ask you some questions? 、


A.please ask B.for example C.please go ahead D.for sure


l Thank you for_______(invite)us to your party.

2.Mary is ______in surfing the Internet.(interest)

3.___________Day is on October l.(nation)

4.Lantern Festival marks the end of the new year________.(celebrate)

5.This hotel is one of the highest_________ in the big city.(build)

6.__________, he caught the last train.(1uck)

7.What’s your favourite_________ Chinese festival?(tradition)

8 The living__________(facility)around my home are very helpful.

9.A plane can move much__________(quick)than a train.

10.The weather in Shanghai is always_________.(change)

ll There is a__________(shop)mall near our housing estate.

12.At the Christmas party,all of us enjoyed________.(we)


1.He often went to school on foot。(改成同义句)

She______ ________ walk to schoo1.

2.He has enough money to buy the expensive car.(改为同义句)

He is______ _________to buy the expensive car.

3.Peter’s always late for schoo1.__________?(改成反意疑问句)

4.We can help the SPCA by asking other people to care for animals.(划线部分提问)

_________ ___________ you help the SPCA?

5.The football match is very exciting.(改成感叹句)

_________ ___________the football match is!

6.They have lunch at home every day,_______ _______?(改成反意疑问旬)

7.They go to visit their parents once a week. (划线提问)

________ ________ do they go to visit their parents?

8. The TV set cost him 2,000 yuan.(改为一般疑问句)

________ the TV set_______ him 2,000 yuan?


square metre;

have a good view;


an important festival;

give sb.a discount

1.Sping Festival is the Chinese New Year. It is___________ in China.

2.Mary’s family is ________ to go sightseeing to London during this winter holiday.

3.Mike’s new flat has three rooms with 90_________.

4.I’m afraid this bicycle is too expensive.Can you____________?

5.We like to live in a high-rise,so we can___________.

Part Two Reading and Writing



Stress(压力) is the feeling you get when you’re really worried about something.This is the kind of worry that troubles you for hours,or even days.It makes you feel upset,scared,or angry.You may find it difficult to eat and sleep,or you might eat and sleep much more than usual.Stressing out will lead to searious problems like heart illness.But not all stress is bad for you.The good kind keeps your body and mind alert(机敏的)and can make you perform better,like when you are giving a speech to your class or running to the finish line.

What causes stress? Do you know why your dad is worried about the bills,or your mum is unhappy? Because they are stressed out!There are lot’s of things in your life that can cause stress---having too much homework,taking a test in a subject that you are not good at,or hearing your parents argue!

There are some ways to deal with stress.If you are stressed out,try these quick and easy ways to relax!Take part in sports and out-of-class activities.Try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night.Eat a healthy,balanced diet that includes all kinds of food.Talk with your close friends,family members or teachers.It’ll make you feel better,and they may be able to give you advice and help you solve your problem.

( )1.When you are really worried about something,you may feel stressed.

( )2.Stress is a kind of worry which may make people feel comfortable.

( )3.There are a lot of things in our daily life that can cause stress.

( )4.Good sleep and healthy,balanced diet can help us to deal with stress.

( )5.It is really hard to find ways to relax when we have stress.


One evening,Mr and Mrs.Smith went to visit one of their friends.Before they left,they let their dog,Abby,take care of their baby.

Abby was a clever dog and understood her masters(主人).She went into the room and sat down by the bed.The baby was sleeping.At that time,their neighbour Mr.Brown was cooking in the kitchen.Suddenly the kitchen was on fire(着火).Mr.Brown was afraid and ran out of the house.He didn’t know there was a baby sleeping in the next flat.

Abby smelt the smoke.She caught hold of(抓住)the baby’s dress with her teeth and carried it away.At last Abby took the baby out safely(安全地).People could hardly(几乎不)believe that the dog saved the baby.


( )1.Abby is Mr.and Mrs.Smith’s___________.

A.daughter B.son C.neighbour D.dog

( )2.__________was on fire.

A.Mr.Brown’s kitchen B.Abby’s house

C.The baby’s dress D.Mr.Smith’s kitchen

( )3.Abby carried the baby away with his_________.

A.1egs B.mouth C.teeth D.feet

( )4.The baby was___________at last.

A.dead B.safe C.dangerous D.ill

( )5.People are________the brave dog.

A.friendly B.kind to C.afraid of D.proud of


Some animals sleep in wintertime because the weather can be very cold and it is difficult for them to find food.They can sleep for a long time,from autumn to spring.This kind of winter sleep is called“hibernation”(冬眠).

If an animal moves about a lot,it needs food.Hibernating animals do not need to eat much because they are not moving about.Their hearts beat very slowly and they also breathe(呼吸)slowly.They find a proper place to sleep.The place can stop the cold weather and their body fat can keep them warm.Some animals,such as bears,may wake up from their hibernation on warm winter days and quickly go back to sleep again when they see the snow is still thick on the ground.When the weather

becomes warmer in spring,the animals start to wake up and look for food.


1.What is it called when the animals sleep in wintertime without anything to eat for a long time?

It is called_____________________________________.

2.How long do some animals sleep?


3.What’s the use of their body fat?


4.Bears aren’t hibernating animals,are they?


5.What do the hibernating animals start to do on warm days in spring?

They start to_____________________________.


One day a man took the train from Paris to Frankfurt.When he got on,he said to the ticket man,“Sir,I really need your___1__.I have to get off the train in Mannheim,but I’m so tired and I’ll fall asleep.I hope you will wake me up in Mannheim.I have to attend a very important meeting there.Here 100 francs(法郎)are for you.But I must tell you when people wake me up,I usually get____2___.But no matter( 无论 ) what I do or say,you must get me off the train in Mannheim.”

This ticket man agreed and took the 100 francs.After two hours,when the man woke up,he found that he was in Frankfurt.He was mad(狂怒的,疯的")at the ticket man and____3__him.

“Are you stupid( 愚蠢 )?I paid you 100 francs and asked you to wake me up in Mannheim,but you didn’t.I want my money____4____.”While the man was talking to the ticket man,two other men were looking at them.One said,“Look at this man!He is mad!”The other said,“Yeah!He’s___5___as mad as the man that they got off the train in Mannheim.”

( )1.A.ticket B.help C.seat D.money

( )2.A.up B.sorry C.angry D.happy

( )3.A.shouted at B. smiled at C.worried about D.listened to

( )4.A.back B.again C.quickly D.more

( )5.A.likely B.never C.almost D.always


Some years ago,Chinese high school students would show their new schoolbags,new

clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term started.Today,however,all have c_____1____.If you still come back to schoo1 with only these things,you are falling out-of-date.Students in big cities like to bring the latest high-tech things to school,and feel happy and pleased to show off these things to o___2____ . Mobile phones, MP3 players,electronic dictionaries.the list is endless.

Young people think that living in the 21st Century,they must keep up with the times.They don’t want to fall behind.B____3____,they think that they need to keep in touch with their classmates,so they need mobile phones.They also like to listen to the pop music.so they need MP3s.They explain that,just like electronic dictionaries,these can be u____4______in their study,too.They think that their parents should understand w_____5___they want these things.


A.Is that Mrs.Green?

B.It’s a pleasure.

C.He wanted to buy a new flat.

D.Would you like to have a look?

E.Who’s that speaking?

F.He isn’t in at the moment.

G.I think he will like it..

A:This is Mary speaking.May I speak to Mr.Green?

B:Sorry.________1________He went to his office two hours ago.


B:Yes.Can I take a message?

A:Yes,please.________3________Do you know?

B:Yes.I do.

A:There is a new flat with three rooms.It"s near a park.____4_______Please tell him to go and have a look.

B:Thank you.Good bye!

A:______5_______ Bye—bye!


以“我理想中的公寓”为题,写至少50个词的短文 “My Ideal(理想中的) FIat”.


1.How many rooms do you want to have in your ideal flat?

2.What are they?

3.Where do you want to live? Why?


Part 1


1---5 c b a c a; 6-----10. c c a b a

11---15 , b c b d b 16----20 b c c a c

21---25 b b c c c


Inviting, interested, National celebrations buildings

Luckily traditional facilities more quickly changeable

Shopping ourselves


used to, rich enough, isn’t he, How can

How exciting, don’t they, How often Did cost


an important festival, planning, square metres

give me a discount, have a good view

Part 2




autumn to spring

Their body fat can keep them warm.

Yes,they are.

wake up and look for food.


changed others Besides useful why


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