
时间:2023-06-27 14:45:02 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



2022年全国高考英语试题 第1篇

if/though+主语+did/had done…好像……(表示现在或将来的情况用过去时;表示过去的情况用过去完成时)[参考句型4]


could have done "本来可以……"(表示过去没有实现的可能)。

might have done"本来可能……;本来应该或可以做某事"(实际没有发生;含有轻微的责备语气。

should/ought to have done "本来该做某事"(而实际未做)

should not/ought not to have done "本来不该做"(实际却做过了,含有责备语气)

needn"t have done "本来不必做"(但是已经做过了)

would rather have done "当时宁愿做了某事"(实际没有做过);否定式would rather not have done表达相反意思,两者都有表示"后悔"之意。

2022年全国高考英语试题 第2篇








第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




Grading Policies for Introduction to Literature

Grading Scale

90-100, A; 80-89, B; 70-79, C; 60-69, D; Below 60,

Essays (60%)

Your four major essays will combine to form the main part of the grade for this course: Essay 1 = 10%; Essay 2-15%; Essay 3= 15%; Essay 4 = 20%.

Group Assignments (30%)

Students will work in groups to complete four assignments (作业) during the All the assignments will be submitted by the assigned date through Blackboard, our online learning and course management

Daily Work/In-Class Writings and Test/Group Work/Homework (10%)

n Class activities will vary from day to day, but students must be ready to complete short in-class writings or tests drawn directly from assigned readings or notes from the previous class’ lecture/discussion, so it is important to take careful notes during Additionally, from time to time I will assign group work to be completed in class or short assignments to be completed at home, both of which will be

Late Work

An essay not submitted in class on the due date will lose a letter grade for each class period it is If it is not turned in by the 4th day after the due date, it will earn a Daily assignments not completed during class will get a Short writings missed as a result of an excused absence will be

Where is this text probably taken from?

A An exam

A course An academic

How many parts is a student’s final grade made up of?

What will happen if you submit an essay one week after the due date?

You will receive a You will lose a letter

You will be given a You will have to rewrite


Like most of us, I try to be mindful of food that goes to The arugula (芝麻菜) was to make a nice green salad, rounding out a roast chicken But I ended up working Then friends called with a dinner I stuck the chicken in the But as days passed, the arugula went Even worse, I had unthinkingly bought way too much; I could have made six salads with what I threw

In a world where nearly 800 million people a year go hungry, “food waste goes against the moral grain,” as Elizabeth Royte writes in this month’s cover It’s jaw-dropping how much perfectly good food is thrown away - from “ugly” (but quite eatable) vegetables rejected by grocers to large amounts of uneaten dishes thrown into restaurant garbage

Producing food that no one eats wastes the water, fuel, and other resources used to grow That makes food waste an environmental In fact, Royte writes, “if food waste were a country, it would be the third largest producer of greenhouse gases in the ”

If that’s hard to understand, let’s keep it as simple as the arugula at the back of my Mike Curtin sees my arugula story all the time - but for him, it’s more like 12 boxes of donated strawberries nearing their last Curtin is CEO of DC Central Kitchen in , which recovers food and turns it into healthy Last year it recovered more than 807,500 pounds of food by taking donations and collecting blemished (有瑕疵的) produce that otherwise would have rotted in And the strawberries? Volunteers will wash, cut, and freeze or dry them for use in meals down the

Such methods seem obvious, yer so often we just don’t “Everyone can play a part in reducing waste, whether by not purchasing more food than necessary in your weekly shopping or by asking restaurants to not include the side dish you won’t ” Curtin

What does the author want to show by telling the arugula story?

We pay little attention to food We waste food unintentionally at

We waste more vegetables than We have good reasons for wasting

What is a consequence of food waste according to the text?

Moral Environmental

Energy Worldwide

What does Curtin’s company do?

It produces kitchen It turns rotten arugula into clean

It helps local farmers grow It makes meals out of unwanted

What does Curtin suggest people do?

Buy only what is Reduce food

Go shopping once a Eat in restaurants less


The elderly residents (居民) in care homes in London are being given hens to look after to stop them feeling

The project was dreamed up by a local charity (慈善组织) to reduce loneliness and improve elderly people’s It is also being used to help patients suffering dementia, a serious illness of the Staff in care homes have reported a reduction in the use of medicine where hens are in

Among those taking part in the project is 80-year-old Ruth She said: “I used to keep hens when I was younger and had to prepare their breakfast each morning before I went to

“I like the project a I am down there in my wheelchair in the morning letting the hens out and down there again at night to see they’ve gone to

“It’s good to have a different People have been bringing their children in to see the hens and residents come and sit outside to watch I’m enjoying the creative activities, and it feels great to have done something ”

There are now 700 elderly people looking after hens in 20 care homes in the North East, and the charity has been given financial support to roll it out

Wendy Wilson, extra care manager at 60 Penfold Street, one of the first to embark on the project, said: “Residents really welcome the idea of the project and the creative We are looking forward to the benefits and fun the project can bring to people ”

Lynn Lewis, director of Notting Hill Pathways, said: “We are happy to be taking part in the It will really help connect our residents through a shared interest and creative ”

What is the purpose of the project?

To ensure harmony in care To provide part-time jobs for the

To raise money for medical To promote the elderly people’s

How has the project affected Ruth Xavier?

She has learned new life She has gained a sense of

She has recovered her She has developed a strong

What do the underlined words “embark on” mean in paragraph 7?

What can we learn about the project from the last two paragraphs?

It is well It needs to be more

It is highly It takes ages to see the


Human speech contains more than 2,000 different sounds, from the common “m”and “a” to the rare clicks of some southern African But why are certain sounds more common than others? A ground-breaking, five-year study shows that diet-related changes in human bite led to new speech sounds that are now found in half the world’s

More than 30 years ago, the scholar Charles Hockett noted that speech sounds called labiodentals, such as “f” and “v”, were more common in the languages of societies that ate softer Now a team of researchers led by Damián Blasi at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, has found how and why this trend

They discovered that the upper and lower front teeth of ancient human adults were aligned (对齐), making it hard to produce labiodentals, which are formed by touching the lower lip to the upper Later, our jaws changed to an overbite structure (结构), making it easier to produce such

The team showed that this change in bite was connected with the development of agriculture in the Neolithic Food became easier to chew at this The jawbone didn’t have to do as much work and so didn’t grow to be so

Analyses of a language database also confirmed that there was a global change in the sound of world languages after the Neolithic age, with the use of “f” and “v” increasing remarkably during the last few thousand These sounds are still not found in the languages of many hunter-gatherer people

This research overturns the popular view that all human speech sounds were present when human beings evolved around 300,000 years “The set of speech sounds we use has not necessarily remained stable since the appearance of human beings, but rather the huge variety of speech sounds that we find today is the product of a complex interplay of things like biological change and cultural evolution,” said Steven Moran, a member of the research

Which aspect of the human speech sound does Damián Blasi’s research focus on?

Its Its

Its Its

Why was it difficult for ancient human adults to produce labiodentals?

They had fewer upper teeth than lower

They could not open and close their lips

Their jaws were not conveniently

Their lower front teeth were not large

What is paragraph 5 mainly about?

Supporting evidence for the research

Potential application of the research

A further explanation of the research

A reasonable doubt about the research

What does Steven Moran say about the set of human speech sounds?

It is key to effective It contributes much to cultural

It is a complex and dynamic It drives the evolution of human



Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled “Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout ” One reason was: “You’ll actually show up if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym,” while another read: “ 36 ” With a workout partner, you will increase your training effort as there is a subtle (微妙)

So, how do you find a workout partner?

First of all, decide what you want from that 37 Or do you just want to be physically fit, able to move with strength and flexibility? Think about the exercises you would like to do with your workout

You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media, but it probably won’t result in a useful 38 If you plan on working out in a gym, that person must belong to the same

My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do, how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session, and her It also listed her favorite sports and activities, and provided her phone 39

You and your partner will probably have different 40 Over time, both of you will benefit-your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically The core (核心) of your relationship is that you will always be there to help each

Your first meeting may be a little

A workout partner usually needs to live close

You"ll work harder if you train with someone

Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?

How can you write a good "seeking training partner" notice?

Just accept your differences and learn to work with each

Any notice for a training partner should include such

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)



My husband, our children and I have had wonderful camping experiences over the past ten

Some of our 41 are funny, especially from the early years when our children were Once, we 42 along Chalk I was 43 that our 15-month-old boy would fall into the creek (小溪). I tied a rope around his waist to keep him near to our That lasted about ten He was 44 , and his crying let the whole campground know So 45 tying him up, I just kept a close eye on It 46 -he didn’t end up in the My three-year-old, however,

Another time, we rented a boat in Vallecito The sky was clear when we 47 , but storms move in fast in the mountains, and this one quickly 48 our peaceful morning The 49 picked up and thunder My husband stopped fishing to 50 the He tried No 51 . We were stuck in the middle of the lake with a dead As we all sat there 52 , a fisherman pulled up, threw us a rope and towed (拖) us We were 53 .

Now, every year when my husband pulls our camper out of the garage, we are filled with a sense of 54 , wondering what camping fun and 55 we will experience

ideas jokes memories discoveries

camped drove walked cycled

annoyed surprised disappointed worried

unhurt unfortunate uncomfortable unafraid

due to instead of apart from for

worked happened mattered changed

signed up calmed down checked out headed off

arranged interrupted completed recorded

wind noise temperature speed

find hide start fix

luck answer wonder signal

patiently tirelessly doubtfully helplessly

sorry brave safe right

relief duty pride excitement

failure adventure performance conflict



The Chinese government recently finalized a plan to set up a Giant Panda National Park (GPNP). 56 (cover) an area about three times 57 size of Yellowstone National Part, the GPNP will be one of the first national park in the The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that 58 (be) previously unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority 59 (increase) effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in

After a three-year pilot period, the GPNP will be officially set up next The GPNP 60 (design) to reflect the guiding principle of "protecting the authenticity and integrity (完整性) of natural ecosystems, preserving biological diversity, protecting ecological buffer zones, 61 leaving behind precious natural assets (资产) for future generations". The GPNP"s main goal is to improve connectivity between separate 62 (population)and homes of giant pandas, and 63 (eventual) achieve a desired level of population in the

Giant pandas also serve 64 an umbrella species (物种), bringing protection to a host of plants and animals in the southwestern and northwestern parts of The GPNP is intended to provide stronger protection for all the species 65 live within the Giant Panda Range and significantly improve the health of the ecosystem in the

第四部分 写作(共两节、满分40分)


假定你是校广播站英语节目“Talk and Talk”的负责人李华,请给外教Caroline写邮件邀请她做一次访谈。内容包括:








It was the day of the big cross-country Students from seven different primary schools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route (路线) through thick evergreen

I looked around and finally spotted David, who was standing by himself off to the side by a He was small for ten years His usual big toothy smile was absent I walked over and asked him why he wasn"t with the other He hesitated and then said he had decided not to

What was wrong? He had worked so hard for this event!

I quickly searched the crowd for the school"s coach and asked him what had "I was afraid that kids from other schools would laugh at him," he explained "I gave him the choice to run or not, and let him ;

I bit back my frustration (懊恼). I knew the coach meant well-he thought he was doing the right After making sure that David could run if he wanted, I turned to find him coming towards me, his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet

David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children, but at school his classmates thought of him as a regular He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were That was why none of the children thought it unusual that David had decided to join the cross-country It just took him longer -that"s David had not missed a single practice, and although he always finished his run long after the other children, he did always As a special education teacher at the David faced and was school, I was familiar with the challenges the challenges proud of his strong




2022年全国高考英语试题 第3篇











2022年全国高考英语试题 第4篇






第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


第一节 (共5小题;每小题分,满分分)


例:How much is the shirt?


第一节 (共5小题;每小题分,满分分)


例:How much is the shirt?


Where does the conversation probably take place?

In a In a In a

How does the woman feel now?

How much will the man pay?

$ $ $

What does the man tell Jane to do?

Postpone his Meet Return at 3 o’

Why would David quit his job?

To go back to To start his own To work for his




What does the man want the woman to do?

Check the Clean the Buy an

What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

Husband and

Employer and

Shop assistant and


Where did the woman go at the weekend?

The city The forest The man’s

How did the man spend his weekend?

Packing for a

Going out with

Looking for a new

What will the woman do for the man?

Take Henry to Stay with his Look after his


What is Stone doing now?

Eating Having a Writing a

Why does the man want to see Stone?

To discuss a To make a travel To ask for sick

When will the man meet Stone this afternoon?

At At At


What are the speakers talking about?

A An A job

Who is Monica Stansfield?

A junior A department A sales

When will the man hear from the woman?

On On On


What did John enjoy doing in his childhood?

Touring Playing Painting

What did John do after he moved to the US?

He did He studied He worked on a

Why did John go hunting?

For For For

What is the subject of John’s works?

American Natural Family

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




Animals Out of Paper

Yolo!Productions and the Great Griffon present the play by Rajiv Joseph,in which an origami(折纸术)artist invites a teenage talent and his teacher into her Merri Milwe In Opens (West Park Presbyterian Church,165 )

The Audience

Helen Mirren stars in the play by Peter Morgan,about Queen Elizabeth II of the UK and her private meetings with twelve Prime Ministers in the course of sixty Stephen Daldry Also starring Dylan Baker and

Judith Previews begin (Schoenfeld,236 )


Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote this musical about Alexander Hamilton,in which the birth of America is presented as an immigrant Thomas Kail In Opens (Public,425 Lafayette )

On the Twentieth Century

Kristin Chenoweth and Peter Gallagher star in the musical comedy by Betty Comden and Adolph Green,about a Broadway producer who tries to win a movie star"s love during a cross-country train Scott Ellis directs,for Roundabout Theatre Previews begin (American Airlines Theatre,227 )

What is the play by Rajiv Joseph probably

type of teenager"s

great group of

Who is the director of The Audience?

Helen Peter

Dylan Stephen

Which play will you go to if you are interested in American history?

Animals Out of The

On the Twentieth


For Western designers, China and its rich culture have long been an inspiration for Western

"It"s no secret that China has always been a source(来源)of inspiration for designers," says Amanda Hill, chief creative officer at A+E Networks, a global media company and home to some of the biggest fashion(时尚)

Earlier this year, the China Through A Looking Glass exhibition in New York exhibited 140 pieces of China-inspired fashionable clothing alongside Chinese works of art, with the aim of exploring the influence of Chinese aesthetics(美学)on Western fashion and how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for The exhibition had record attendance, showing that there is huge interest in Chinese

"China is impossible to overlook," says "Chinese models are the faces of beauty and fashion campaigns that sell dreams to women all over the world, which means Chinese women are not just consumers of fashion — they are central to its "Of course, only are today"s top Western designers being influenced by China-some of the best designers of contemporary fashion are themselves " Vera Wang, Alexander Wang,

Jason Wu are taking on Galiano, Albaz, Marc Jacobs-and beating them hands down in design and sales," adds

For Hill, it is impossible not to talk about China as the leading player when discussing "The most famous designers are Chinese, so are the models, and so are the consumers," she "China is no longer just another market; in many senses it has become the If you talk about fashion today, you are talking about China-its influences, its direction, its breathtaking clothes, and how young designers and models are finally acknowledging that in many "

can we learn about the exhibition in New York?

It promoted the sales of It attracted a large number of

It showed ancient Chinese It aimed to introduce Chinese

does Hill say about Chinese women?

They are setting the They start many fashion

They admire super They do business all over the

do the underlined words "taking on" in paragraph 4 mean?

learning from looking down on working with competing against

can be a suitable title for the text?

Young Models Selling Dreams to the World

Chinese Art Exhibition Held in New York

Differences Between Eastern and Western Aesthetics

Chinese Culture Fueling International Fashion Trends


Before the 1830s,most newspapers were sold through annual subscriptions in America, usually $8 to $10 a Today $8 or $10 seems a small amount of money, but at that time these amounts were forbidding to most Accordingly, newspapers were read almost only by rich people in politics or the In addition, most newspapers had little in them that would appeal to a mass They were dull and visually But the revolution that was taking place in the 1830s would change all

The trend, then, was toward the "penny paper"-a term referring to papers made widely available to the It meant any inexpensive newspaper; perhaps more importantly it meant newspapers that could be bought in single copies on the

This development did not take place It had been possible(but not easy)to buy single copies of newspapers before 1830,but this usually meant the reader had to go down to the printer"s office to purchase a

Street sales were almost However, within a few years, street sales of newspapers would be commonplace in eastern At first the price of single copies was seldom a penny-usually two or three cents was charged-and some of the older well-known papers charged five or six But the phrase "penny paper " caught the public"s fancy, and soon there would be papers that did indeed sell for only a

This new trend of newspapers for "the man on the street" did not begin Some of the early ventures(企业)were immediate Publishers already in business, people who were owners of successful papers, had little desire to change the It took a few youthful and daring businessmen to get the ball

of the following best describes newspapers in America before the 1830s?

did street sales mean to newspapers?

They would be priced They would disappear from

They could have more They could regain public

were the newspapers of the new trend targeted at?

Local Common

Young Rich

can we say about the birth of the penny paper?

It was a difficult It was a temporary

It was a robbery of the It was a disaster for


Monkeys seem to have a way with

A team of researchers trained three Rhesus monkeys to associate 26 clearly different symbols consisting of numbers and selective letters with 0-25 drops of water or juice as a The researchers then tested how the monkeys combined—or added—the symbols to get the

Here"s how Harvard Medical School scientist Margaret Livingstone, who led the team, described the experiment: In their cages the monkeys were provided with touch On one part of the screen, a symbol would appear, and on the other side two symbols inside a circle were For example, the number 7 would flash on one side of the screen and the other end would have 9 and If the monkeys touched the left side of the screen they would be rewarded with seven drops of water or juice; if they went for the circle, they would be rewarded with the sum of the numbers—17 in this

After running hundreds of tests, the researchers noted that the monkeys would go for the higher values more

than half the time, indicating that they were performing a calculation, not just memorizing the value of each

When the team examined the results of the experiment more closely, they noticed that the monkeys tended to underestimate(低估)a sum compared with a single symbol when the two were close in value—sometimes choosing, for example, a 13 over the sum of 8 and The underestimation was systematic: When adding two numbers, the monkeys always paid attention to the larger of the two, and then added only a fraction(小部分)of the smaller number to

"This indicates that there is a certain way quantity is represented in their brains, " Livingstone “But in this experiment what they"re doing is paying more attention to the big number than the little ”

What did the researchers do to the monkeys before testing them?

They fed They named

They trained They measured

How did the monkeys get their reward in the experiment?

By drawing a By touching a

By watching By mixing two

What did Livingstone"s team find about the monkeys?

They could perform basic They could understand simple

They could memorize numbers They could hold their attention for

In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


In an online class, developing healthy patterns of communication with professors is very 36 While I have only listed two of each, there are obviously many other situations that can Students should be able to extend the logic(逻辑)of each to their particular


? 37 Questions about subject content are generally Before asking questions about the course design, read the syllabus(教学大纲)and learning management system information to be sure the answer isn"t hiding in plain

? Participate in discussion forums(论坛), blogs and other open-ended forums for 38 Be

sure to stay on topic and not offer irrelevant Make a point, and make it safe for others to do the


? Don"t share personal information or Professors are not trained nurses, financial aid experts or your best If you are in need of a deadline extension, simply explain the situation to the 39

? Don"t openly express annoyance at a professor or 40 When a student attacks a professor on the social media, the language used actually says more about the If there is truly a concern about a professor"s professionalism or ability, be sure to use online course evaluations to calmly offer your

That"s what they are

Turn to an online instructor for

If more information is needed, they will

Remember that online professors get a lot of

Below are some common do"s and don" ts for online

Everyone has taken a not-so-great class at one time or

Ask questions, but make sure they are good, thoughtful

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 (共20小题;每小题分,满分30分)


The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid-March- 41 six months out of the

Of course, we 42 it when the sun is shining," says Karin Ro, who works for the town’s tourism “We see the sky is 43 , but down in the valley it’s darker — it’s like on a 44 ”

But that 45 when a system of high-tech 46 was introduced to reflect sunlight from neighboring peaks(山峰)into the valley Wednesday, residents(居民)of Rjukan 47 their very first ray of winter sunshine: A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to 48 . The mirrors are controlled by a computer that 49 them to turn along with the sun throughout the 50 and to close during windy They reflect a concentrated beam(束)of light onto the town’s central 51 , creating an area of sunlight roughly 600 square When the light 52 , Rjukan residents gathered

“People have been 53 there and standing there and taking 54 of each other," Ro "The town square was totally 55 . I think almost all the people in the town were "The 3,500 residents cannot all 56 the sunshine at the same 57 , the new light feels like more than enough for the town’s 58

"It"s not very 59 ,” she says, "but it is enough when we are 60 .”

only obviously nearly precisely

fear believe hear notice

empty blue high wide

cloudy normal different warm

helped changed happened mattered

computers telescopes mirrors cameras

remembered forecasted received imagined

repair risk rest use

forbids directs predicts follows

day night month year

library hall square street

appeared returned faded stopped

driving hiding camping siting

pictures notes care hold

new full flat silent

block avoid enjoy store

Instead However Gradually Similarly

nature-loving energy-saving weather-beaten sun-starved

big clear cold easy

trying waiting watching sharing

第二节 (共10小题;每小题分,满分15分)


On our way to the house,it was raining 61 hard that we couldn"t help wondering how long it would take 62 (get) It was in the middle of Pearl

We were first greeted with the barking by a pack 63 dogs,seven to be They were well trained by their masters 64 had great experience with caring for these Our hosts shared many of their experiences and

65 (recommend)wonderful places to eat,shop,and For breakfast,we were able to eat papaya(木瓜)and other fruits from their trees in the

When they were free from work,they invited us to local events and let us know of an interesting 66 (compete)to watch,together with the story behind They also shared with us many 67 (tradition)stories about Hawaii that were 68 (huge)popular with On the last day of our week-long stay,we 69 (invite)to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, 70 (listen)to musicians and meeting interesting

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)








I"ve had many dreams since I was a Now my dream is to opens a Though it may appear simple, it required a lot of ideas and What I want is not just an ordinarily cafe but a very special I want my cafe have a special theme such as like "Tang Dynasty". In the cafe, customers will enjoy yourselves in the historical environment what is created for If I succeed in manage one, I will open I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)








2022年全国高考英语试题 第5篇








在美育融入试题方面:全国甲卷听力题选取一位艺术鉴赏家谈论自己经历的材料,阅读题选取介绍英国卡迪夫市艺术剧院的语篇;全国乙卷阅读题选取介绍苏格兰画家Henry Raeburn画展信息的语篇。这些语篇旨在引导学生加深对艺术的认识,培养健康向上的审美情趣。












年高考英语试卷进一步优化写作等试题的考查形式。除考查写邮件等常见形式外,写作部分还设置了读图表写短文和根据提纲要点写短文等形式。全国甲卷要求考生以6月8日世界海洋日为主题,写一篇短文向学校征文比赛投稿;全国乙卷设置的写作情境是校英文报正在开展以Learning English beyond the Classroom为题的讨论,要求考生阅读有关学生英语学习活动情况的图表,使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文;新高考卷应用文设置的情境是以校广播站英语节目“Talk and Talk”负责人的身份给外教写一封邮件,邀请她做一次访谈;新高考卷短文续写试题设置的情境是阅读一名残疾学生坚持参加跑步比赛的短文后续写两段文字。这些精心设计的试题情境使写作形式更加灵活,内容更加开放,在加强语言表达能力考查的同时,强调对应用性和创造性能力的考查,引导学生在语言学习过程中注重辨析语言和文化中的具体现象,梳理和概括信息,从自己的视角正确评判周围事物和不同观念,创造性地表达自己的观点和想法。

2022年全国高考英语试题 第6篇

第一部分 听力





第二部分 阅读理解





第三部分 语言知识运用





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2022年全国高考英语试题 第7篇

1、Recently, the problem of … has aroused people"s 最近,……问题已引起人们的关注。

2、The Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as 互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题。

3、Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to 如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了。

4、It is commonly believed that … / It is a common belief that …人们一般认为……

5、Many people insist that …很多人坚持认为……

6、With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为……

7、A lot of people seem to think that …很多人似乎认为……

8、People"s views on … vary from person to Some hold that …. However, others believe that….人们对……的观点因人而异。有些人认为……,然而其他人却认为……

9、People may have different opinions on …人们对……可能会有不同的见解。

10、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。
