
时间:2023-06-19 18:00:04 公文范文 来源:网友投稿



澳洲留学申请书 第1篇

Dear _,

I am the applicant Yun , female, born in Beijing on August 4, 1984, who graduated from Capital University of Economics and Business with the major of Engineering

The university where I studied is one of the best ones in Usually, I attached much importance to acquiring basic knowledge and having a deep understanding of specialized Through four-year study, I mastered relevant specialized knowledge to the investment of economic project, engineering economics, financial management, engineering bidding invitation and bidding, contract management and real estate business and scheme and the During my studying at the university, I maintained excellent records, obtaining scholarships of the university for successive It is because of my love for the specialty that I would like to have a further understanding of So, I make a decision of pursuing further studies abroad to expand my knowledge repertory, accept full-scale specialized education and make a research on relevant specialized knowledge systematically and theoretically, for Europe has a long history and culture, dense academia as well as developed educational concept, which extremely appeal to I firmly believe that to study abroad will be of some help to promoting my future

As I plan, after graduating from yours, I am willing to return to my motherland for China is undertaking great changes, and a great many opportunities that the changes bring can’t be given in a number of developed The opportunity is valuable, so after completing your program, I will choose to return to China, applying what I will learn to practice and working together with elite in the industry with my acquisition and Edified in such a kind of work environment, I will steel myself and improve my specialized level rapidly and It will be what I pursue in all my lifetime and my glory to do a bit for the progress and development in academy and practice of the field of our country with my efforts and

Yours sincerely,

澳洲留学申请书 第2篇










澳洲留学申请书 第3篇


澳洲的大学在教育和培训各方面,都拥有相当高的国际声誉。澳洲有22所名列世界 500,因为澳洲的教育体制是由澳洲政府控制的,所以教育质量也随着政府的管理基本保持在高等的平均水平上,颁发的学位也受到世界各国的认可。



三、 适合人类生存的环境



澳大利亚既是高收入国家又是高福利国家。澳大利亚的社会福利制度中包含的各种各样的津贴待遇几乎把每个居民一生的福利全部包揽。也正因为如此高的福利政策,留学生过去留学的时候也享受到每年300澳元左右的留学生海外健康保险,简称OSHC保险项目,它可以帮忙支付留学期间所产生的医疗费用中的 80%,如果毕业后顺利获得PR签证,那么就可以得到与澳洲居然一样的福利待遇。



澳洲留学申请书 第4篇








基础检查完成之后,按照机场内的指示牌,前往行李带领取自己的行李,标志是Luggage Claim,接受入关人工检查的学生,去领取的时候基本上只有自己的行李了,会比较容易找到。





澳洲留学申请书 第5篇













澳洲留学申请书 第6篇

Dear _,

I have always had an interest in language and the This has led to a fascination with literature and fundamentally, the poignancy and exuberance one can convey through the written For me, English Literature feels more uninhibited and complete, mainly because a text is something very personal to its creator, giving it a more individual dimension than other subjects, feeding the imagination as well as the However, I can"t truly be immersed in something without finding it I find the task of searching for a message in a book a demanding affair, forcing myself to focus every inch of my emotional and rational faculties to extract the author"s possible meanings and present an original, credible My favourite writers include Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and others from the Beat In addition, I enjoy Victorian authors including Dickens and Joseph This wide scope of British and American literature houses a myriad of genres, topics and plots which directly or indirectly apply to the way we live in present day Western For example, I"ve found On the Road by Kerouac to be a poignant expression of a man"s journey outside the perimeters of the average American life which Kerouac paints as His only motivation to travel is to experience, "the ragged and ecstatic joy of pure being".

I am enthusiastic about all the subjects I"ve taken at A Level, consequently my college experience has been rewarding both personally and Through Modern History and Philosophy I"ve developed the skill of formulating cogent arguments and articulating them succinctly, either orally or in Furthermore, all my subjects have taught me to confidently express my opinions while maintaining open-mindedness in evaluating opposing The content of my subjects and the concepts and knowledge assessed in them has led me to transfer skills I"ve learnt from one subject to For example, I assessed the play, The Birthday Party in relation to existential ontology, illustrating the extent to which my subjects complement each

My cultural interests reflect my academic pursuits and the way I express myself in said academic Attending the Politics Society of my college has expanded my understanding of differing opinions on current affairs as well as learning the information which substantiates those This has been accomplished through attending lectures by academics and politicians such as Tony

I am also a huge fan of cinema and my favourite His idiosyncratic fusion of Surrealism and Expressionism make his works aesthetically original as well as thought More recently I"ve been nurturing my creative side by writing a sitcom and recently completed the pilot Being a keen photographer I enjoy taking photographs whenever the opportunity arises and am currently taking an evening course on 35mm film This allows me to channel a vague image in my head to something rewardingly

More recently, I travelled Western I found it culturally fruitful and instrumental to my personal I visited many historical landmarks and most notably the Louvre in Paris, a Monastic hospice in the Swiss Alps and the Royal Palace in I also climbed two mountains, forcing me to give total focus to the task at hand and synchronise my body and mind as I find it essential to my well-being to express myself through whichever medium I"m interested in at the Fortunately, the printed page remains a constant source of inspiration and interest for me, resulting in me being a committed and fervent I am confident that I have the qualities and drive to succeed at university and look forward to making a significant contribution to university

Yours sincerely,

澳洲留学申请书 第7篇













澳洲留学申请书 第8篇

Dear _,

Acclaimed as a prodigy, I entered into one of China’s Ivy League universities at 14 and joined the country’s topmost scientific research institution as a graduate student at Now an experienced engineer at 26, I would like to scale still higher intellectual heights by undertaking advanced studies that I hope would put me firmly on the cutting edge of scientific

I have demonstrated a keen mind since my early For years, I consistently outperformed all of my classmates in such challenging subjects as mathematics, physics and I was thus chosen to represent either my school or my city in a variety of provincial and national contests of academic skills, in which I won numerous This impressive academic record put me on academic acceleration several That not only enabled me to finish my primary and secondary education in eight instead of the usual twelve years but also sent me at 14 to a privileged class for the gifted at the Chinese University of Science and Technology, a major cradle of the country’s scientific and technological

After two years of basic training in the gifted class, I chose electrical engineering as my major and computer software programming as my minor, convinced that expertise in these fields would stand me in good stead in an era of China’s rapid economic expansion and technological As you can see from the transcripts of my undergraduate grades, I excelled in both of these

Upon graduation in 1991, I won easy acceptance into the Institute of Electronics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences and became a graduate student at 19, when most Chinese students would be just starting their university At this institute, I narrowed my academic interest down and focused it on the area of human and artificial intelligence, where the courses I took were deliberately It seemed to me that scientific breakthroughs would next come in this area, which made it both challenging and I learned a whole lot about this area in the course if doing my thesis titled “The Radio Shunting System in Railroad”, for which some experiments were conducted on the basis of artificial

My solid education paid off in my ability to take on a variety of responsibilities in China’s burgeoning software After I obtained my Master’s Degree in Engineering in 1994, I first took up a job with a telecommunication company, where I managed a trunk communication system that resembled the cellular wireless A year later, I joined a software company to develop CMIS program for China’s Post and Telecommunications It was a large project, and I made crucial contribution to it by independently developing and finalizing one subsystem, which proved to be a significant success and won me profuse appreciation from After the completion of that project, I have been working for the Japan Brother in the area of software

The relative smooth path of my career notwithstanding, I have not had a chance to lead a major project, although I have always finished my part of every project In spite of all my achievements, I feel that I have not taken the full advantages of my intellectual I now wish to pursue still more advanced studies and thereby obtain an advanced degree so that I can open more doors and shoulder greater

I believe I have acquired the necessary theoretical framework and sufficient practical experience for further My ability to teach myself and conduct independent research allows me to attain competence quickly in areas that I may at first know very little I never work just to finish an assignment, but instead I always try conscientiously to improve my knowledge and expertise through the work I In this fashion, I have become seasoned in such fields as trunking system (telecommunications) and CMIS system (software). This quality should help me as I seek to further upgrade my education, particularly if I have ready access to the seasoned guidance of a strong faculty and the convenience of state-of-the-art research

The University of Idaho is well known for its excellence in the E field, complete with an accomplished faculty and modern research These should set a good stage for me to exercise my keen mental power and If I am accepted, I am confident that I can make quick progress in the E field, especially in the areas of artificial intelligence, image processing, wireless communication, neural network and computer networking, which have many characteristics in common and share many important Due to the broad applications of these technologies, I believe the progress we make in these areas will help shape the future of the I would like t be at the forefront of such

As I am broadly grounded in EE and computer science, you may find me qualified or more qualified for advanced studies in areas other than those I have If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you could let me know any suggestions that you may

I wish to assure you that I have the necessary English language skills to complete advanced studies in your I generally read or write English without any I have, over the years, not only read academic or professional materials in English avidly but also memorized the whole English-Chinese There may be room for improvement in my oral English and English listening But I am sure my English proficiency is sufficient for me to undertake advanced studies and Besides, I believe I can improve my oral English by leaps and bounds once I start to live in an English-speaking All that I need to do is to set my mind

I plan to return to China after the completion of my studies either to teach at one of the larger Chinese universities or to lead a high-tech

Yours sincerely,


澳洲留学申请书 第9篇

Dear _,

My four-year research experience since the completion of my undergraduate program in 1997 has helped me to develop from a Bachelor in Engineering to a Master in My research activities cover a wide range of fields including analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, organic catalysis, environmental science, instrumental analysis, nano-analytical chemistry, and biological analytical I am proud to say that I have accomplished achievements in almost every of those Based on my research findings, I have published a dozen research In particular, I have received patents from the Patent Office of China for two major research results "The Preparation Method of a Solid Acid Catalyst with High Selectivity and Activity for Esterification" and "A New Reaction Technology and the Equipment for Gas Phase Esterification". Both of them have significant value in industrial

Nevertheless, I am acutely aware that, in the research fields I am interested in, there are still so many difficult subjects and challenges awaiting for In physical chemistry, China is relatively backward in the fields of catalyst development, catalyst inactivation, reaction dynamics, reaction mechanism, geochemical reaction mechanism, environmental-chemical reaction In analytical chemistry, China lags relatively behind its Western counterparts in areas such as instrumental analysis and theoretical analytical Basically, China relies on import for large-scale analytical By contrast, the United States has many world-leading academic specialists and encourages interdisciplinary It will accord me a stimulating and liberal academic environment, apart from the sophisticated research Rice University is my top priority in applying for a program and I choose to specialize in physical chemistry or in analytical

At Rice University, I plan to learn broader-based foundational theories in my chosen With my solid interdisciplinary knowledge and my ability for the quick assimilation of new knowledge, I intend to secure for myself a RA status to directly start my laboratory research under the guidance of my future I can also work as TA so that I can study while teaching and conducting my I can apply, test and consolidate the theoretical knowledge that I acquire in the process of internship and degree Finally, through theoretical study and scientific research, I would endeavor to produce a well-written dissertation in which I hope to achieve some breakthroughs on both the theoretical and the research

After obtaining my degree, I intend to enter one of the top research institutes to delve deeper into some challenging subjects and to achieve some research After accumulating certain research experience at an actual research institute, I plan to return to China to work as a professor at a leading Chinese university, a position which will enable me to train many more academic professionals in physical or analytical At the same time, I will also dedicate myself to turning my laboratory research results into yet more patents and inventions, which can further be developed into products with pragmatic

During my studies in the United States, I will attempt at some detailed observations of its capital market, the most mature of its kind in the world, to acquire some necessary knowledge in company management and capital For ultimately my career objective is to establish my own company to manufacture my own products, especially those environmentally-friendly chemical products, based on my patents and

Yours sincerely,

澳洲留学申请书 第10篇




























澳洲留学申请书 第11篇

Dear _,

The success that a person can achieve in his or her career depends largely upon the extent that he or she is emotionally attached to the career that he or she is As far as I am concerned, I believe that I am in full possession of the necessary and potential qualities for achieving success in my career because the first day that I was exposed to tourism, I became enamored of this fascinating In undertaking tourism as a profession, I have been exposed to a pluralistic cultural In return, I can expose the rest of the world to the ancient civilization of Chinese In other words, I have been able to broaden my vision and horizon on one hand and impart my knowledge of Chinese culture to foreign tourists who come to savor the fascinating Chinese For me, tourism serves as a bridge that connects both China and the rest of the world, linking the past history with contemporary This is exactly the underlying reason behind my intense love of

As a practitioner of tourism business in China, a major country of tourist attraction, I have always been very proud of the tremendous potential of China’s tourism According to the prediction made by the 14th Conference of World Tourism Organization held in 20XX, China’s tourism will experience a major phase of rapid development within two decades and by 20XX China will become a country of the largest tourist Vice versa, the number of Chinese citizens who visit foreign countries will reach one billion annually, ranking 4 in the What’s more, China has formally joined the WTO and the Olympic Games will be held in _ within six All those factors will contribute significantly to the rapid, yet sustained growth of Chinese tourism In order for China to become a leading country of tourism within 20 years, it is imperative that China’s tourism-oriented hotel industry develop into a mainstay In this process, to learn from advanced and successful systems and experiences of hotel industry in the world becomes an indispensable It is my expectation that I make my own contributions to this process in my chosen This constitutes the most direct motive behind my present decision to apply for a Master’s program in the specialty of Hotel & Tourism Management from your esteemed

Compared with a multitude of other applicants, I believe that my greatest competitive edge lies in my academic training and in my ample practical experience in the related My undergraduate career was spent in _ Institute, often regarded as the university of tourism of It is the most prestigious university in China which is specifically designed to train future professionals for China’s tourism industry who are equipped with both foreign language competence and specialized knowledge of On account of this special characteristic of my university, I not only did excellent coursework in my proper specialty—Russian Language—but also benefited importantly from a comprehensive tourism-oriented curriculum that included such specialized courses as General Introduction to Tourism, Geography for Tourism, and Professional Tourist Taking into account the practical nature of tourism, I took part in a considerable amount of extracurricular activities of fieldwork and I left my footprints in virtually all the major hotels and tourist resorts of _ by working as hotel receptionists and serving as tourist By the time I completed my four-year undergraduate program, I not only mastered Russian language with high proficiency but also achieved all the necessary qualifications for becoming a professional tourism

For approximately three years since my graduation, I have been working as a tourist guide for international travelers, a career which has further enabled me to accumulate much practical experience and Working at the European Department of _, the largest travel agency in China, I have been faced with constant First of all, I have further enriched my professional knowledge and refined my proficiency in foreign languages, both of which are essential for undertaking foreign-related Apart from using my knowledge of Russian language and relevant knowledge of tourism with much facility, I have made extra efforts to perfect my English Over the past two years, I have constantly improved my English language capacity from passing the TOEFL test with a satisfactory score (the test was taken at the end of my undergraduate program) to the present level of independently and perfectly providing tourist guide in In addition, I have also developed the ability to prepare all the work plans and documents in English with much Finally, within the past three years, I have received countless international tourists and dealt with a large number of emergency Those experiences have not only trained my ability of organization and coordination, the ability to live and work independently, but also provided me with important opportunities to demonstrate my professional qualities as a well-trained and excellent tourist All those qualities and qualifications, I believe, will prove vitally important to me in achieving success in my future academic program and professional

Nevertheless, in my practical work experience, I have become acutely aware that, although China has made considerable development in its tourism and hotel business over the past decade, yet compared with advanced countries and regions in the world, China lags significantly behind them in terms of the level of information and network development, the efficiency of management, the effectiveness of decision-making and, ultimately, the level of _ constitutes one of the most renowned bases of top-level hotels in the world, full of creative and original concepts of hotel, tourism and cuisine service and In the same way, the College of _ of _ University is ranked among the top institutions of high education in hotel management in Designated as its international headquarters and secretariat by the _, the College has been accepted by the International Tourism Organization as the network member for hotel and tourism The College is the only one of its kind in Asia to have received this special It is my expectation to be part of the elite group of this prestigious By conforming myself to the trends of the age of knowledge economy and to the demands of the present-day hotel and tourism industry, I am determined to develop myself into professional of hotel management who is equipped both with the advanced knowledge of hotel management in the world but also with the practical experience of local market operations, a person who can assimilate both Western and Chinese My ultimate plan is to bring advanced hotel and tourism management methods and operations back to the mainland to facilitate my own career

Yours sincerely,


澳洲留学申请书 第12篇

Dear _,

A Chinese graduate student of composite materials, I would like to pursue studies in a program in which I can do advanced inter-disciplinary research that is built upon my expertise in both chemical engineering and composite I find that your program is one of the few where such research is

I am due to complete my Master"s studies next year at the Beijing Institute of Light Industry, a well-respected higher-learning institution that has served as a major cradle of engineering talents for light industries in this Majoring in structural mechanics of composites, I have focused my studies on honeycomb sandwich and its applications for civilian Although I did not take many of the traditional undergraduate courses in this field, my graduate studies have proceeded Building on my extensive working experience with all kinds of materials, I have completed a host of projects, as listed in the Appendix, that are not only technologically advanced but also commercially My research has been highly commended by the

To accomplish what I have accomplished, I have had to be more intelligent and overcome more difficulties than most of my classmates, for I did not get to receive a regular undergraduate Although I performed strongly in the 1988 National University Entrance Examinations and met the requirements for university acceptance, I did not craft a good enough strategy in applying to the As a result, my application fell through cracks, leaving me only the opportunity to study in a two-year college program, not to be discouraged by this mishap, I studied with diligence and creativity, and succeeded in firmly grounding myself in the studies of material propensities and When I completed that program, I was as capable as most graduates from the honors program in handling practical material problems from the angle of

Upon graduation in 1990,I first took up the job of an assistant engineer in a biochemistry pharmaceutical manufacturer, where I was in charge of the development and analysis of several lines of I was given the responsibility for VD Calcium Tablet in the first two weeks, as I demonstrated that I was able to do independent research, particularly in terms of quantitative analysis and microbiology inspection, from five raw materials to semi-made and finished As my talents showed up, I took charge of the production and inspection of more and more Towards the end of 1991, I was awarded the honor of Excellent Employee in the factory of almost two thousand people in recognition of my contribution to its

Armed with the ability to quickly grasp the essence of new things, I made even more contribution to my second employer, a Joint-Venture Company of In this company, In the first two months after I was hired, I established, with reference to both the ISO and national standards,. The company"s standards of packaging materials for 35 different products from corrugated box to paper lid, from glass bottle to plastic During the first half year, I turned myself from just a user of cosmetics to quality engineer of cosmetic actively engaged in & Three new products (Elysee Vitamin E Cream, Elysee Tonique and Elysee Lipbalm) I helped to develop were recognized as Provincial Scientific Achievements, for which I was conferred three certificates of I believe that when one embarks on a new career, he should be quick in accepting changes even though he must still stick to his old

In these six years of working experience, I greatly improved myself in terms of technological I made chemical and microbiological examinations of different drugs skillfully and independently, successfully developed several new types of cosmetics, some of which merited the designation of Provincial Scientific But more importantly, I learned to ask more sophisticated questions and then answer

The years of being an engineer has taught me how to be a I learned to be both a team leader and a team Working in conjunction with others, I have always held onto the principle of being honest, modest and helpful to others, whether I was just a technician, an engineer or even the assistant to the general I enjoy working with other I have been well liked by my At the farewell parties for me, some of my friends were so reluctant to say goodbye to me that they would burst into

While working for the Chinese factory, I was once "borrowed" by a college to teach there as an adjunct instructor for half a During those months, I often worked late to check students" work and prepare for the next day"s I believe that this teaching experience will serve me well should you be able to offer me the position of a teaching

At the graduate school, I have met new challenges the old I first acquired a profound understanding of the basic concepts and theories of mechanics (theoretical and material ones), and then applied the fundamentals to my major: As you can see from the from the transcripts of academic record, this approach paid My first academic article Honeycomb Sandwich Composite will be published in the second edition of the Journal of Beijing Institute of Light Industry of Now I am writing my Master"s Degree thesis, in which I shall compare the mechanical properties of corrugated cores and honeycomb cores, analyze the outstanding characters of the latter, establish the standards of civil-use honeycomb fiberboard, and consider the marketing future of honeycomb

I am confident that the combination of my extensive working experience and my solid academic training has adequately prepared me for advanced studies in my chosen field of specialty in your distinguished To undertake such studies, I have learned English well, so well that I was appointed first the English secretary to the factory"s director and then the assistant to the joint-venture"s general In these positions, I dealt with international visitors and handled English Such English proficiency should prove a great advantage to me once I am enrolled in your

Although I am now focusing my academic interests on composite materials, you may find that I may be more suitable for other If so, I would greatly appreciate it if you could advise me

The following is a list of the research work I have undertaken under the guidance of my advisor (mostly in the area of industrial applications of composites): (从略)

Yours sincerely,

澳洲留学申请书 第13篇
























澳洲留学申请书 第14篇





















澳洲留学申请书 第15篇



















澳洲留学申请书 第16篇








澳洲移民局宣布从20_年7月1日起,所有的澳洲留学签证申请必须通过澳大利亚内政事务部(Department of Home Affairs)的ImmiAccount在网上递交,即目前澳洲留学签证办理都是通过线上。







澳洲留学申请书 第17篇

Dear _,

For as long as I can remember it has been my fondest dream and my furthest goal to attend From the beginning, I knew it would be an uphill climb to gain admission into a prestigious I have worked long and hard to get good grades in order for me to attend a I was finally admitted to the University of California If I graduate from college I will be the first in my But, lately I have realized that I cannot reach my dreams alone; I would need financial My father was laid off from his job four months ago and my mother is We"re barely able to make our housing payments, utility and insurance And if that weren"t enough school tuition has dramatically gone I also have two other brothers who have to attend a university, but my family can"t afford I need assistance By being a recipient of a scholarship from Riverside Community College I will be able to alleviate this need, and possibly be the first member in my family to graduate from college

Through much research and self-analysis I have decided that I would pursue a career in International This field offers competitive salary to college grads, gives a chance to travel to different parts of the world, and is also a competitive field in today"s continually globalizing economy, which has caused a demand for those with international After receiving my Bachelor"s degree in Business Administration at the University of California Riverside, I plan to continue my education until I receive a Masters and Doctorate degree in International Marketing

I decided that a career in International Business is for me because I have traveled to many foreign countries throughout my life and have excelled in foreign I have a solid background in the English and Spanish languages and I also know a little of Italian

Being Bolivian and living in the United States has given me an interesting, well rounded outlook on the I am a blend of two opposing lifestyles, and my thoughts, ideas, and actions reflect this I have a thorough knowledge of the American and Spanish cultural lifestyles which I believe would be of an advantage to me when I pursue a career in international I am also in the process of gaining business knowledge and experience by working and running my parent"s family shoe I take care of the bookkeeping, retail sales, and the ordering and purchasing of But with the recent economic downturn it has been very difficult to maintain the business in a profit Although our business is not doing well it is giving me a chance to see if I am capable of handling a business during a challenging situation by using a powerful business strategy: consumer focused marketing

Therefore, my ultimate career aspiration is to become a successful executive in an international company playing a leadership role in customer focused As an international businesswoman I would be employed by a specific company, one in which would be in the need for an individual with foreign language and business Chances are I would frequently travel between countries, and conduct business with officials of the foreign country in which we are doing business

I would need to possess a well-rounded business knowledge that includes expertise in finance, marketing, and personnel I hope to gain this knowledge by studying at a Also, while still attending classes at the University, I hope to study abroad for a semester, in the process immersing myself in another culture, and deepening my personal and academic understanding of International Business

After studying abroad and receiving my degree, I would like to volunteer to work for a non-profit Then after gaining business knowledge and most importantly business experience, I will enter the exciting international corporate In the long-run, I envision for myself a career straddling the highest levels of international business as a corporate I am confident that my determination, perseverance and tenacity will lead me to the successful achievement of this personal

Yours sincerely,

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