
时间:2023-06-13 12:55:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿










Principal Architect:LIU Shuxing

Design Team:LI Mowen,HUAN Zhiwei,YU Shibin,LU Jinglei,WANG Kun,FU Liangchen,XIE Jinzhu,LI Zhenhai,ZHANG Lin

Site Area:65,204 m2

Built Area:106,157.32 m2(77,950.62 m2above ground,28,206.7 m2underground)

Materials:stone curtain wall+glass curtain wall

Design Time:2012.10

Completion Time:2019.12

Photos:HUA Shuyong,

LIU Shuxing

纳通医疗集团总部是一个关乎人类健康、医疗防护的科研生产综合体,它被赋予有机的生命,充满活力和文化,涵盖接待、会议、展示、数据、研发、生产、住宿、餐饮、体育以及医疗康复、儿童看护等众多功能。不仅满足了定制的生产研发,干细胞生产车间、医学研究院,关节实验生产线等,而且进行了合理的空间留白。在2020 年COVID-19 疫情爆发医疗物资短缺时,该集团通过与央企合作5 天建成了日产30 万的全套口罩生产线医用防护车间,口罩生产能力短期内快速适应了疫情防控。这充分体现了建筑空间柔性化的潜质。

项目位于北京市海淀区中关村创新园3-2-010 地块,地块略呈不规则梯形,属于北京的一级通风廊道。异形地块、远山近河,高度限制、功能复杂等不同性质的问题交织在一起。通过认真分析和梳理,设计实现了最大化的河景界面,最开阔的远山视野,舒适的内庭空间,流畅的工作动线,生活化的休息场所,简洁的企业形象。

The Naton Medical Group Headquarters is a research and production complex that concerns human health and medical protection.The building is given an organic life,vibrant and culturally enriched,covering a wide range of functions such as reception,conference,exhibition,logistics,research and development,production,accommodation,catering,sports as well as medical rehabilitation and childcare.It is meeting the functional requirements of customised production and research,stem cell production workshops,medical research institutes,joint experimental production lines,etc.It also allows a reasonable amount of free spaces,so that in the event of a shortage of medical supplies due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020,it has the capacity to build a complete medical protection workshop with a daily capacity of 300,000 masks production line in 5 days in cooperation with central enterprises,quickly meeting the requirements of pandemic prevention and control in a very short time.This demonstrates the potential for flexibility in the architectural space.

1 外景Exterior view

2 内院Inner courtyard

The building is located in Plot 3-2-010 of Zhongguancun Innovation Park in Haidian District,Beijing.The site is roughly irregularly trapezoidal in shape and falls within Beijing"s primary wind corridor.The different nature of the design tasks,such as irregular site,distant hills and near river,height restrictions and functional complexity,were mixed together.Careful analysis and planning allowed these designs to be realised:maximum river interface,the most open view of the distant mountains,comfortable inner courtyard spaces,smooth work flow,living resting places and a succinct company identity.

3 鸟瞰Aerial view

4 园区结构Structure of the campus

The symbiosis between architecture and city,the interactive integration of architecture and environment,and the logical rationalisation of the building"s functions culminate in an integrated general layout,a fulfilling urban interface,enriched internal and external gardens,smoothly shaped outlines,efficient research and development units,and pleasant shared spaces.The "8" shaped ring pattern allows the "technology highway" in the building to act as a neuron,linking the many cell-like R&D spaces that evolve and change with advances in technology.The ecological green courtyard,café and tea house implanted in the centre have become places of inspiration for researchers to brainstorm and create sparks.The multi-sensory experience allows people to build a sense of teamwork and the concepts and methods of ergonomics are fully demonstrated,creating an atmosphere of R&D community.The different styles of staircases in the building make walking a discovery,and the varied meeting spaces are a breath of fresh air.

5 方案生成过程Diagrams of generation process


“8”字环“大圆”中近10,000m2的大草坪营造了大学校园的空间氛围,卧牛黄河石成为大厅和东侧疏散车道的转呈。西北角的3 棵乔木营造出“杏坛之所”的空间效果。“8”字环“小圆”中4000m2的中国园林空间营造了舒适的沟通场所,下沉庭院赋予地下餐厅明媚的阳光与新风,叠水、山影、青竹使就餐成为视觉、听觉、味觉的享受。其上的贵宾雅间将内部竹林,外部流水,远处景石,天上浮云尽收眼底,规模不同的报告厅毗邻东厅成为医疗界会议的定点。


6 功能分区Functional zones

The larger circle of "8" has a large lawn of almost 10,000 m2,creating the atmosphere like a university campus,and the Reclining Bull Yellow River Stone becomes the transition between the hall and the evacuation lane on the east side.The three trees in the northwest corner create the spatial effect of the "Apricot Lecture Hall".The smaller circle has a 4000 m2Chinese garden space,creating a comfortable place for communication.The sunken courtyard gives the underground restaurant bright sunlight and fresh breeze,and the stacked water features,mountain shadows,and green bamboo give dining a visual,auditory,and gustatory pleasure.The VIP room above it has a view of the internal bamboo forest,the external flowing water,the distant scenic rocks and the floating clouds in the sky,and the lecture halls of different sizes adjacent to the East Hall,which has become a popular meeting place for the medical communities.

The building is simple in form,smooth in outline,with flying eaves and barred windows,and harmonious in proportion,the effect can be called "the articulation of limbs and the rhythm of life".The sunlight gives the building a vital message and a rich expression.□(Translated by PAN Yi)

7.8 剖面Sections

9 竖向功能分区Vertical functional zones

10 五层平面Fourth floor plan

11 三层平面Second floor plan

12 首层组合平面Ground floor plan

13 地下一层平面B1 floor plan

14 侧立面Side façade

15 墙身大样Wall details

17 南大堂South lobby

18 绿色共享空间Green shared space

19 热带雨林区Tropical rainforest area

20.21 展厅Interior views of Exhibition Hall

22-24 实验室内景Interior views of Laboratories


推荐访问:北京 中国 总部