Off the Wall – How We Fell for China
Author: William N. Brown
Paperback, 216 pages
Published by Foreign Languages Press
BEFORE the Spring Festival, Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated an American professor for publishing a book about China.
The book, Off the Wall– How We Fell for China, written by Dr. William N. Brown, a business professor of Xiamen University in southeast China’s Fujian Province, is compiled of 47 letters detailing his life in Xiamen, which he sent back home to his family and friends in the United States. Upon completing the book, he sent a copy to President Xi Jinping and was surprised to receive a reply.
“I have received your letter and your book. Congratulations on your new book.” Xi replied in a letter to Dr. Brown, “Xiamen is an amazing city. It is now your second hometown. I used to work there, and that experience has given me many wonderful memories. You have been a teacher in Xiamen University for 30 years and dedicated precious time of your life to China’s education. I am very moved by your affection towards Xiamen and China.”
Dr. William Brown is wellknown to most Xiamen people, who affectionately call him “Old Pan.” In 1988, he resigned from his position as the senior vice president of First American National Securities and moved with his family to Xiamen, where he taught MBA courses for the next 30 years. Then in 1992, he became the first foreigner in Fujian Province to receive a permanent residence permit. In addition to teaching, he has also helped 13 Chinese cities including Xiamen and its neighbor Quanzhou win medals in the International Awards for Livable Communities.
The selected letters in the book portrayed the changes in Xiamen and even around China at different times from a foreigner’s eyes: from the muddy roads in the 1980s to the modernized urban facilities of today, from his father’s disagreement with his coming to China to a gradual understanding and recognition of his son’s decision. Brown’s family stories, filled with deep affection for China, happened to coincide with the most remarkable changes of Chinese society over the past several decades. In this way, a vivid and real picture of China is presented before foreign readers.
Brown once described his deep ties with China as his prearranged destiny. This distant Asian nation on the other side of the Pacific Ocean had allured him to come to its shores, and once here, it continued to fascinate him over the following 30 years, making him an eyewitness and a disseminator of China’s huge changes to the world.
- 1政府及行政事业单位管理会计应用问题研究
- 2高等学校债务风险管理研究
- 3基于平行文本比较模式的准技术词汇翻译探讨
- 4核心素养背景下的初中体育教学思考
- 5低压低产气井排水采气工艺技术分析
- 6“123”模式推进党组织领导的校长负责制
- 7孩子在家有说有笑,为何一出门就一言不发?
- 8肥厚型心肌病家系中MYBPC3-D1149fs*40新发突变的基因型及临床表型研究
- 9液压调速器AMESim动态仿真与参数优化
- 10基于经筋理论探讨活血定痛液定向透药对膝骨性关节炎患者及膝关节功能的影响
- 11文化生产还是文化再生产?——“学一代”与“学二代”的教育冲突与反思
- 12食物链
- 13难写字
- 14基于TPACK框架的,大学英语智慧教学评价体系探究
- 15跟着金庸的武侠小说,学习活用通感修辞
- 16新课改下高中英语教学中培养学生跨文化交际能力的策略
- 17封二:·科学小达人·
- 18中、蒙医文化融入医学通识英语课程教学的探索与思考
- 19树叶
- 20喵,一起藏猫猫吧
- 21克鲁普斯卡雅学前劳动教育思想及其启示
- 22难忘的体验
- 23凭空消失的10天
- 24冰雪城奇遇
- 25有点可爱有点“坏”
- 26高考地理试题体现“交通强国战略”的分析及教学启示
- 27在探秘自然中走进生活
- 28太,太
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- 6组织开展家庭教育促进法宣传活动简报4篇(2023年)
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- 10江西大山尾矿区铌钽矿地质特征及找矿标志研究
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- 12《民法典》概括条款的识别标准与类型构造
- 13高校原创红色话剧的审美创新——以长沙学院《日出湘江》为例
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- 202023年度贯彻落实八项规定15篇
- 212023党员教师民主生活会批评与自我批评优秀3篇
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