时间:2022-03-20 09:30:38 公文范文 来源:网友投稿

  Wu Guanghui, a deputy to the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature, and chief designer of the C919 homegrown passenger jet, suggested speeding up the research into maglev trains at a panel discussion of the Shanghai delegation during the Second Session of the 13th NPC on March 12.
  Wu, Vice President of the Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China, a state-owned and Shanghaibased aircraft manufacturer, said the upper limit of high-speed trains is 400km/h.
  “If trains from Beijing to Shanghai can reach a speed of 500km/h, air travel will lose its competitiveness,” he said.
  Wu’s comments attracted attention since it seemed ironic for an airplane designer to raise suggestions regarding the building of trains.
  As a matter of fact, Wu has paid attention to maglev train research for a long time, in spite of his research specialty in aircraft. Wu, 59, holds a PhD in aircraft design from Beihang University and was elected an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2017.
  Crackdown on Extravagance
  China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News March 11
  A highlight of this year’s government work report delivered by Premier Li Keqiang at the opening of the Second Session of the 13th National People’s Congress on March 5 is reducing enterprises’ tax and social insurance contributions by 2 trillion yuan ($297.5 billion). The massive tax reductions will inevitably deplete fiscal revenue, causing great pressure to fi nancial departments at all levels of governments.
  To solve the problem, the Central Government will cut its general expenditure by 5 percent and the three pub- lic expenditures —government expenses for overseas trips, food and entertainment, and public vehicles—by 3 percent.
  The three public expenditures of Central Government departments have been decreasing for several consecutive years. Local governments have also reduced their expenditures by a large margin. It has become increasingly rare for officials to visit tourist attractions of the cities where they attend a meeting, or stay at luxurious hotels on business trips.
  However, although the number of disciplinary violations decreased significantly in 2018, problems such as issuing subsidies in violation of regulations, using public vehicles against the rules, and using public funds for tourism still exist. Extravagance and hedonism are not completely rooted out yet.
  The government should increase spending on projects that improve people’s livelihood in order to improve their sense of happiness and security while being thrifty itself.