Back to the summer nights of our childhood, we could always find some sparks lighted by fireflies in the pitch-dark underbrush. "Hopping to the sky like falling stars, and touching the woods like blossoming flowers." However, before one realizes, those dancing fairies just vanished in cities. Their coming back into people’s view, surprisingly, was due to the blossoming "Firefly Theme Park" and the controversy that came along with it.
Firefly Park or Firefly Grave
With the development of people’s living standard, more and more people start to pursue a qualified and fun life. "Watching Firefly", as an archaic and romantic activity, is coming back into people’s view.
In 2013, a set of pictures was popular on the Internet, which record beautiful fireflies fluttering in the foothill of Zijin Mountain in Nanjing. At that time, the journalist of Yangtse Evening Post randomly interviewed 10 children, everyone says that they all like the small twinkling creature, but 9 of them says they have no clue about this creature and have never met firefly before. Many netizens exclaim that "The summer nowadays is getting poorer and poorer."
However, the merchants have found business opportunities in it. You can find more than 400 merchandise if searching keywords like "living firefly" on the online trading platform Taobao Net. The retail price of them is from 4 to 6 Yuan averagely and the wholesale price is from 2 to 3.5 Yuan. It is always connected with the concepts such as "gift", "romance" and "fashion" together. The trading volume of some hot shops can reach 14000 within 30 days. Buyers generally think the firefly dreamlike and beautiful, but unluckily, some are dead when delivered to them.
In addition to personal consumption, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and other places have started to open up the firefly exhibition and flying activities, which are also warmly pursued by people. On May 30, 2015, Wuhan"s first Firefly Theme Park opening day, more than sixty thousand visitors were attracted, which exceeded the organizers’ expectation.
However, these activities have been strongly protested by the environmental protection organization, and even the forestry sector intervened. Some activities have been postponed or canceled and the controversy continues. In July 2015, the originally scheduled firefly exhibition was indefinitely postponed by the Beijing Tulip Garden, an environmentalist show his protest by advocating the slogan "I will not go to the Firefly Grave" outside the greenhouse. In the same month, Shanghai"s first Firefly Theme Park was stopped by the government department, since the inspection results of the Business and Tourism Promotion Committee indicated that there exist many problems in aspects such as site, price and fire control, etc. In August, the Forestry Bureau of Changsha in Hunan Province noticed prohibition on local firefly exhibitions, and the official insists that the organizers of the activities is lack of necessary documents like "Domestication and Breeding License of Wild Animal", "Transport Certification of Wild Animal" and "Business License of Wild Animal", which shows the management is suspected being involved in illegal acquisition and business utilization of wild animals. In September, the Firefly Cultural Festival held in Lianhua shuixiang in Guangzhou also encountered some citizens and experts. They believe that fireflies disappear in the city indicates that they are no longer suitable for the urban environment, if manually gathering them together in certain places and to fly, a large number of them will die and it may bring severe issues like biological invasion, ecological balance destruction and disease transmission and so on.
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